Research Article
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Crista Galli Morphometry and Morphology in Sagittal Skeletal Malocclusions: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study

Year 2024, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 222 - 229, 30.12.2024


Objective: This study aimed that examine the relationship between crista galli morphometry and morphology in different types of sagittal skeletal malocclusion.
Materials and Methods: A total of 45 individuals included in the study were examined by dividing them into three subgroups Class I, Class II, and Class III, which included an equal number of samples according to the ANB°. In this study, different morphologies (teardrop, tubular, ossified) and morphometric (length, width, height) measurements of the crista galli were analyzed in adult patients with different sagittal malocclusions.
Results: When linear measurements of the crista galli were evaluated, no difference was found between skeletal malocclusion classes in terms of width and height. On the other hand, while the crista galli length is significantly larger in Class I individuals (13.131.93 mm) than in Class III individuals (11.561.26 mm), it is of similar size in Class II individuals (11.672.28 mm). There is no significant relationship between crista galli morphology, Keros classification and crista galli pneumatization and skeletal malocclusion groups.
Conclusion: The anteroposterior crista galli length of skeletal class II and III individuals is less than that of skeletal class I individuals. Crista galli morphology does not differ according to sagittal skeletal malocclusions.

Ethical Statement

Ethical Approval The ethical approval required for this retrospective study was obtained from the Erciyes University Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Approval no: 2023/338; Approval date: May 10th, 2023). The study was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and informed consent forms were obtained from all individuals at the beginning of the study.

Supporting Institution

Destekleyen herhangi bir kurum yok.


  • 1. Vuralli D, Polat S, Isık EI, Öksüzler M, Özel AS, Göker P. Crista Galli Morphometry and Morphology: An Anatomical, Radiological, and Machine Learning Application Study. Int J Morphol. 2023;41:749-57.
  • 2. Özeren Keşkek C, Aytuğar E. Clinical significance and radiological evaluation of Crista Galli: a CBCT study. Eur J Anat. 2021;25:705-11.
  • 3. Danielsen A, Reitan E, Olofsson J. The role of computed tomography in endoscopic sinus surgery: a review of 10 years' practice. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2006;263:381-9.
  • 4. Tetiker H, Kosar MI, Çullu N, Sahan M, Gençer CU, Derin S. Pneumatization of crista galli in Pre-adult and Adult Stages. Int J Morphol. 2016;34:541-4.
  • 5. Akiyama O, Kondo A. Classification of crista galli pneumatization and clinical considerations for anterior skull base surgery. J Clin Neurosci. 2020;82:225-230.
  • 6. Golpinar M, Salim H, Ozturk S, Komut E, Sindel M. Sex estimation with morphometric and morphological characteristics of the crista galli. Surg Radiol Anat. 2022;44:1007-215.
  • 7. Komut E, Golpinar M. A comprehensive morphometric analysis of crista galli for sex determination with a novel morphological classification on computed tomography images. Surg Radiol Anat. 2021;43:1989-1998.
  • 8. Okumus O. The use of crista galli morphology and morphometry in sex determination: a cone-beam computed tomography study. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2022;81:1005-1013.
  • 9. Baydas B, Yavuz I, Durna N, Ceylan I. An investigation of cervicovertebral morphology in different sagittal skeletal growth patterns. Eur J Orthod. 2004;26:43-49.
  • 10. Leonardi R, Barbato E, Vichi M, Caltabiano M. A sella turcica bridge in subjects with dental anomalies. Eur J Orthod. 2006;28:580-585.
  • 11. Newaz ZA, Barghan S, Katkar RA, Bennett JA, Nair MK. Incidental findings of skull-base abnormalities in cone-beam computed tomography scans with consultation by maxillofacial radiologists. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2015;147:127-131.
  • 12. Kose SK, Aksoy S, Onder M, Oz U, Orhan K. Association among Orthodontic Malocclusions, Paranasal Sinuses Anatomic Variations and Adenoid Vegetation in Children Using CBCT. Children. 2023;10:1549.
  • 13. Tindlund RS, Holmefjord A, Eriksson J-CH, Johnson GE, Vindenes H. Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Consecutive Patients With Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate at Age 6, 15, and 25 Years: A Concurrent Standardized Procedure and Documentation by Plastic Surgeon; Speech and Language Pathologist; Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist; and Orthodontist. J Craniofac Surg. 2009;20:1687-1698.
  • 14. Gruszka K, Aksoy S, Różyło-Kalinowska I, Gülbeş MM, Kalinowski P, Orhan K. A comparative study of paranasal sinus and nasal cavity anatomic variations between the Polish and Turkish Cypriot Population with CBCT. Head Face Med. 2022;18:37.
  • 15. Aranitasi L, Tarazona B, Zamora N, Gandía JL, Paredes V. Influence of skeletal class in the morphology of cervical vertebrae: A study using cone beam computed tomography. Angle Orthod. 2016;87:131-137.
  • 16. Algahefi Al, Alhammadi MS, Zheng B, Almashraqi AA, Zhao Y, Liu Y. Morphological and dimensional variations of the frontal air sinuses in a group of adolescent Caucasians and Chinese in different skeletal malocclusions: a cross-sectional cephalometric study. Clin Oral Invest. 2022;26:5711-5719.
  • 17. Turker G, Ozturk T, Coban G, Isgandarov E. Evaluation of Various Sagittal Cephalometric Measurements in Skeletal Class I Individuals with Different Vertical Facial Growth Types. Forum Ortod. 2021:106-113.
  • 18. The jamovi project. jamovi (Version 2.3) [Computer Software]. 2023.
  • 19. Hajiioannou J, Owens D, Whittet HB. Evaluation of anatomical variation of the crista galli using computed tomography. Clin Anat. 2010;23:370-373.
  • 20. Lee JM, Ransom E, Lee JY, Palmer JN, Chiu AG. Endoscopic anterior skull base surgery: intraoperative considerations of the crista galli. Skull Base. 2011;21:83-86.
  • 21. Gong A, Li J, Wang Z, et al. Cranial base characteristics in anteroposterior malocclusions: A meta-analysis. Angle Orthod. 2016;86:668-680.
  • 22. Dhopatkar A, Bhatia S, Rock P. An Investigation Into the Relationship Between theCranial Base Angle and Malocclusion. Angle Orthod. 2002;72:456-463.
  • 23. Amano K, Okuzaki D, Aikawa T, Kogo M. Indian hedgehog in craniofacial neural crest cells links to skeletal malocclusion by regulating associated cartilage formation and gene expression. FASEB J. 2020;34:6791-6807.
  • 24. Chou S-T, Lin S-H, Chen S-C, Chen C-M, Tseng Y-C. Comparison of the transverse cranial base dimension in different craniofacial skeletal relationships: A cone-beam computed tomography study. J Dent Sci. 2024;19:364-376.
  • 25. Rai S, Saidath K, Mathew KA, Shetty SS. Assessment and comparison of cranial base morphology in individuals with long face and short face. J Orthod Sci. 2023;12(1):30.
  • 26. Costa ALF, Paixao AK, Goncalves BC, et al. Cone Beam Computed Tomography-Based Anatomical Assessment of the Olfactory Fossa. Int J Dent. 2019;2019:4134260.
  • 27. Lurie AG. Doses, Benefits, Safety, and Risks in Oral and Maxillofacial Diagnostic Imaging. Health Phys. 2019;116:163-169.

Sagittal İskeletsel Maloklüzyonlarda Crista Galli Morfometri ve Morfolojisi: Bir Retrospektif Kesitsel Çalışma

Year 2024, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 222 - 229, 30.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmada farklı sagittal iskelet maloklüzyonu tiplerinde crista galli morfometrisi ve morfolojisi arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlandı.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya dahil edilen toplam 45 birey, ANB°'ye göre eşit sayıda örnek içeren Sınıf I, Sınıf II ve Sınıf III olmak üzere üç alt gruba ayrılarak incelendi. Bu çalışmada, farklı sagittal iskeletsel maloklüzyona sahip erişkin hastalarda crista galli'nin farklı morfolojileri (gözyaşı, tübüler, kemikleşmiş) ve morfometrik (uzunluk, genişlik, yükseklik) ölçümleri analiz edildi.
Bulgular: Crista galli'nin lineer ölçümleri değerlendirildiğinde, iskeletsel maloklüzyon sınıfları arasında genişlik ve yükseklik açısından fark bulunamadı. Öte yandan crista galli uzunluğu Sınıf I bireylerde (13.131.93 mm) Sınıf III bireylere (11.561.26 mm) göre anlamlı derecede daha büyük iken, Sınıf II bireylerde (11.672.28 mm) benzer büyüklükte idi. Crista galli morfolojisi, Keros sınıflandırması ve crista galli pnömatizasyonu ile iskeletsel maloklüzyon grupları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmadı.
Sonuç: İskeletsel sınıf II ve III bireylerin ön-arka crista galli uzunluğu iskeletsel sınıf I bireylere göre daha azdır. Crista galli morfolojisi sagittal iskelet maloklüzyonlarına göre farklılık göstermez.


  • 1. Vuralli D, Polat S, Isık EI, Öksüzler M, Özel AS, Göker P. Crista Galli Morphometry and Morphology: An Anatomical, Radiological, and Machine Learning Application Study. Int J Morphol. 2023;41:749-57.
  • 2. Özeren Keşkek C, Aytuğar E. Clinical significance and radiological evaluation of Crista Galli: a CBCT study. Eur J Anat. 2021;25:705-11.
  • 3. Danielsen A, Reitan E, Olofsson J. The role of computed tomography in endoscopic sinus surgery: a review of 10 years' practice. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2006;263:381-9.
  • 4. Tetiker H, Kosar MI, Çullu N, Sahan M, Gençer CU, Derin S. Pneumatization of crista galli in Pre-adult and Adult Stages. Int J Morphol. 2016;34:541-4.
  • 5. Akiyama O, Kondo A. Classification of crista galli pneumatization and clinical considerations for anterior skull base surgery. J Clin Neurosci. 2020;82:225-230.
  • 6. Golpinar M, Salim H, Ozturk S, Komut E, Sindel M. Sex estimation with morphometric and morphological characteristics of the crista galli. Surg Radiol Anat. 2022;44:1007-215.
  • 7. Komut E, Golpinar M. A comprehensive morphometric analysis of crista galli for sex determination with a novel morphological classification on computed tomography images. Surg Radiol Anat. 2021;43:1989-1998.
  • 8. Okumus O. The use of crista galli morphology and morphometry in sex determination: a cone-beam computed tomography study. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2022;81:1005-1013.
  • 9. Baydas B, Yavuz I, Durna N, Ceylan I. An investigation of cervicovertebral morphology in different sagittal skeletal growth patterns. Eur J Orthod. 2004;26:43-49.
  • 10. Leonardi R, Barbato E, Vichi M, Caltabiano M. A sella turcica bridge in subjects with dental anomalies. Eur J Orthod. 2006;28:580-585.
  • 11. Newaz ZA, Barghan S, Katkar RA, Bennett JA, Nair MK. Incidental findings of skull-base abnormalities in cone-beam computed tomography scans with consultation by maxillofacial radiologists. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2015;147:127-131.
  • 12. Kose SK, Aksoy S, Onder M, Oz U, Orhan K. Association among Orthodontic Malocclusions, Paranasal Sinuses Anatomic Variations and Adenoid Vegetation in Children Using CBCT. Children. 2023;10:1549.
  • 13. Tindlund RS, Holmefjord A, Eriksson J-CH, Johnson GE, Vindenes H. Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Consecutive Patients With Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate at Age 6, 15, and 25 Years: A Concurrent Standardized Procedure and Documentation by Plastic Surgeon; Speech and Language Pathologist; Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist; and Orthodontist. J Craniofac Surg. 2009;20:1687-1698.
  • 14. Gruszka K, Aksoy S, Różyło-Kalinowska I, Gülbeş MM, Kalinowski P, Orhan K. A comparative study of paranasal sinus and nasal cavity anatomic variations between the Polish and Turkish Cypriot Population with CBCT. Head Face Med. 2022;18:37.
  • 15. Aranitasi L, Tarazona B, Zamora N, Gandía JL, Paredes V. Influence of skeletal class in the morphology of cervical vertebrae: A study using cone beam computed tomography. Angle Orthod. 2016;87:131-137.
  • 16. Algahefi Al, Alhammadi MS, Zheng B, Almashraqi AA, Zhao Y, Liu Y. Morphological and dimensional variations of the frontal air sinuses in a group of adolescent Caucasians and Chinese in different skeletal malocclusions: a cross-sectional cephalometric study. Clin Oral Invest. 2022;26:5711-5719.
  • 17. Turker G, Ozturk T, Coban G, Isgandarov E. Evaluation of Various Sagittal Cephalometric Measurements in Skeletal Class I Individuals with Different Vertical Facial Growth Types. Forum Ortod. 2021:106-113.
  • 18. The jamovi project. jamovi (Version 2.3) [Computer Software]. 2023.
  • 19. Hajiioannou J, Owens D, Whittet HB. Evaluation of anatomical variation of the crista galli using computed tomography. Clin Anat. 2010;23:370-373.
  • 20. Lee JM, Ransom E, Lee JY, Palmer JN, Chiu AG. Endoscopic anterior skull base surgery: intraoperative considerations of the crista galli. Skull Base. 2011;21:83-86.
  • 21. Gong A, Li J, Wang Z, et al. Cranial base characteristics in anteroposterior malocclusions: A meta-analysis. Angle Orthod. 2016;86:668-680.
  • 22. Dhopatkar A, Bhatia S, Rock P. An Investigation Into the Relationship Between theCranial Base Angle and Malocclusion. Angle Orthod. 2002;72:456-463.
  • 23. Amano K, Okuzaki D, Aikawa T, Kogo M. Indian hedgehog in craniofacial neural crest cells links to skeletal malocclusion by regulating associated cartilage formation and gene expression. FASEB J. 2020;34:6791-6807.
  • 24. Chou S-T, Lin S-H, Chen S-C, Chen C-M, Tseng Y-C. Comparison of the transverse cranial base dimension in different craniofacial skeletal relationships: A cone-beam computed tomography study. J Dent Sci. 2024;19:364-376.
  • 25. Rai S, Saidath K, Mathew KA, Shetty SS. Assessment and comparison of cranial base morphology in individuals with long face and short face. J Orthod Sci. 2023;12(1):30.
  • 26. Costa ALF, Paixao AK, Goncalves BC, et al. Cone Beam Computed Tomography-Based Anatomical Assessment of the Olfactory Fossa. Int J Dent. 2019;2019:4134260.
  • 27. Lurie AG. Doses, Benefits, Safety, and Risks in Oral and Maxillofacial Diagnostic Imaging. Health Phys. 2019;116:163-169.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Taner Öztürk 0000-0003-1670-286X

Yunus Emre Uçaker 0009-0006-8683-9588

Aykağan Çukurluoğlu 0000-0002-4988-4500

Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date April 9, 2024
Acceptance Date October 16, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024Volume: 27 Issue: 4


EndNote Öztürk T, Uçaker YE, Çukurluoğlu A (December 1, 2024) Crista Galli Morphometry and Morphology in Sagittal Skeletal Malocclusions: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal 27 4 222–229.

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