Dhanrajani syndrome: clinical presentation and a brief review. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod ;108(1):1-7.[CrossRef] Gorlin RJ, Sedano H, Anderson VE. The syndrome of palmarplantar hyperkeratosis periodontal destruction of teeth. J Paediatr 1964;65:895-908. premature
Hattab FN, Rawashdeh MA, Yassin OM, Al-Momani AS, Al- Ubosi MM. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome: a review of the literature and report of 4 cases. J CrossRef] Subramaniam P, Mathew S, Gupta KK. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome: A case report. J Indian Soc Pedod Prevent Dent 2008;26(4):171-174. CrossRef]
Ullbro C, Twetman S. Dental treatment for patients with Papillon- Lefevre syndrome. Review article. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2007;8(Suppl ):4-11.
Hancke E. The Papillon Lefevre syndrome: Keratosis palmar plantaris with periodontopathy: Report of a case and review of cases in the literature. Hum Genet 1979;51:1-35. Janjua
Papillon-Lefevre syndrome: Case report and review of the literature. Dermatol Online J 2004;10:13-19.
Kothiwale SV, Mathur S. Partial expression Syndrome. Indian J dent Res ;19:264-266.[CrossRef] Ullbro C, Crosner CG, Nederfos T, Thelstrup-Pederson K. Dermatologic and oral finding in a cohort of 47 patients with Papillon Lefevre syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol ;48:45-51.[CrossRef] Pilger U, Hennies HC, Truschnegg A, Aberer E. Late-onset Papillon- Lefevre syndrome without alteration of cathepsin C gene. J Am Acad Dermatol 2003;49:240-243.
Singla A, Sheikh S, Jindal SK, Brar R. Bridge between Dermatologist and Dentist. J Clin Exp Dent 2010;2:e43- [CrossRef] syndrome:
Hart TC, Shapira L. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome: keratosis palmoplantaris. Periodontol 2000;1994:88-100.
Bindayel NA, Ullbro C, Suri L, Al- Farra E. Cephalometric findings in patients syndrome. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop CrossRef] Papillon-Lefevre ;134(1):138-144. Angel TA, Hsu S, Kornbleuth J, Kramer syndrome, a case report of four affected siblings. J Am Acad Dermatol 2002;46(2 Suppl. Case Reports):8-10.[CrossRef]
Jain V, Gupta R, Parkash H. Prosthodontic Papillon-Lefevre syndrome: a case report. J Indian Soc Pedod Prevent Dent 2005;23(2):96-98. in CrossRef]
Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome: Report of two cases in the same family
Year 2012,
Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 149 - 155, 19.04.2012
Papillon-Lefevre syndrome (PLS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the association of palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and premature loss of both deciduous and permanent teeth. Two siblings (29-years-old female and 36-years-old male) with PLS who complained about early teeth loss, esthetic problems and difficulty during eating and speech refered to our clinic. After intraoral and radiologic examination we planned total prosthesis to first case’s upper and lower jaw and partial prosthesis to second patient’s upper and lower jaw. Patients’ financial problem affected the treatment planning. This case report presents prosthodontic rehabilitation of two patients with PLS in the same family.
Dhanrajani syndrome: clinical presentation and a brief review. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod ;108(1):1-7.[CrossRef] Gorlin RJ, Sedano H, Anderson VE. The syndrome of palmarplantar hyperkeratosis periodontal destruction of teeth. J Paediatr 1964;65:895-908. premature
Hattab FN, Rawashdeh MA, Yassin OM, Al-Momani AS, Al- Ubosi MM. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome: a review of the literature and report of 4 cases. J CrossRef] Subramaniam P, Mathew S, Gupta KK. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome: A case report. J Indian Soc Pedod Prevent Dent 2008;26(4):171-174. CrossRef]
Ullbro C, Twetman S. Dental treatment for patients with Papillon- Lefevre syndrome. Review article. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2007;8(Suppl ):4-11.
Hancke E. The Papillon Lefevre syndrome: Keratosis palmar plantaris with periodontopathy: Report of a case and review of cases in the literature. Hum Genet 1979;51:1-35. Janjua
Papillon-Lefevre syndrome: Case report and review of the literature. Dermatol Online J 2004;10:13-19.
Kothiwale SV, Mathur S. Partial expression Syndrome. Indian J dent Res ;19:264-266.[CrossRef] Ullbro C, Crosner CG, Nederfos T, Thelstrup-Pederson K. Dermatologic and oral finding in a cohort of 47 patients with Papillon Lefevre syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol ;48:45-51.[CrossRef] Pilger U, Hennies HC, Truschnegg A, Aberer E. Late-onset Papillon- Lefevre syndrome without alteration of cathepsin C gene. J Am Acad Dermatol 2003;49:240-243.
Singla A, Sheikh S, Jindal SK, Brar R. Bridge between Dermatologist and Dentist. J Clin Exp Dent 2010;2:e43- [CrossRef] syndrome:
Hart TC, Shapira L. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome: keratosis palmoplantaris. Periodontol 2000;1994:88-100.
Bindayel NA, Ullbro C, Suri L, Al- Farra E. Cephalometric findings in patients syndrome. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop CrossRef] Papillon-Lefevre ;134(1):138-144. Angel TA, Hsu S, Kornbleuth J, Kramer syndrome, a case report of four affected siblings. J Am Acad Dermatol 2002;46(2 Suppl. Case Reports):8-10.[CrossRef]
Jain V, Gupta R, Parkash H. Prosthodontic Papillon-Lefevre syndrome: a case report. J Indian Soc Pedod Prevent Dent 2005;23(2):96-98. in CrossRef]
Yıldırım Bicer A, Peker İ, Demirel O (April 1, 2012) Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome: Report of two cases in the same family. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal 15 2 149–155.
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal (Cumhuriyet Dent J, CDJ) is the official publication of Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry. CDJ is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of dentistry. The aim of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of dentistry. First issue of the Journal of Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry was published in 1998. In 2010, journal's name was changed as Cumhuriyet Dental Journal. Journal’s publication language is English.
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