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Microtensile bond strengths of Class V restorations after conventional and laser preparation and SEM analysis of resin-dentin interface

Year 2016, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 35 - 43, 03.01.2016


Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the bond strengths of Class V cavities prepared

by laser treatment or conventional methods and restored with different adhesive systems.

Materials and Methods: Fourty-eight premolars were randomly divided into two groups. In

first group, cavities were prepared with Er:YAG laser; in the second group, cavities were prepared

with the conventional method. Each group was divided in three subgroups according to the

adhesive system (Clearfil Se Bond, Silorane, Futurabond). After termocycled for 1000 cycles, the

microtensile test was performed in a universal testing machine. Data were analyzed by two way

ANOVA and post hoc Tukey’s tests (p<0.05).

Result: Results were as follows: Laser-Silorane (21.1±6.92 MPa); Conventional-Silorane

(21.09±3.72 MPa); Laser-Futurabond (20.77±5.26 MPa); Conventional-Futurabond (19.01±3.89

MPa); Laser-Clearfil (24.14±5.4); Conventional-Clearfil (28.78±5.98). There are statistically

significant differences between the adhesives for the tested parameters (p<0.05). Clearfil Se

Bond presented significantly the highest, Silorane and Futurabond presented the lowest, wheras

no significant differences were detected between these two (p<0.05). Regardless of the materials

used, there were no significant differences between the laser and the conventional cavities.

Conclusion: Er:YAG did not significantly improved the bond strength of adhesive systems. The

application of Clearfil Se Bond to laser or conventional prepared dentin was found the most

effective method.


  • Marshall Jr GW, Marshall SJ, Kinney JH. Balooch M. The dentin substrate: structure and properties related to bonding. J Dent Res 1997; 25:441-58.
  • Van Meerbeek B. Peumans M. Gladys S. Braem M. Lambrechts P. Vanherle G. Three-year clinical effectiveness of four total-etch dentinal adhesive systems in cervical lesions. Quint Inter 1996; 27: 775‑784.
  • Carvalho RM, Yoshiyama M, Pashley EL, Pashley DH. In vitro study on the dimensional changes of human dentine after demineralization. Arch Oral Biol 1996; 41:369-377.
  • Corona SA, Borsatto MC, Pecora JD, De SA Rocha RA, Ramos TS, Palma-Dibb RG. Assessing microleakage of different class V restorations after Er: YAG laser and bur preparation. J Oral Rehabil 2003;30:1008-14
  • De Moor RJ, Delmé KI. Laser-assisted cavity preparation and adhesion to erbium-lased tooth structure: part 1. Laser-assisted cavity preparation. J Adhes Dent 2009; 11: 427-438.
  • Keller U, Hibst R. Experimental studies on the application of the Er: YAG laser on dental hard substances II. Light microscope and SEM investigations. Lasers Surg Med 1989; 9: 345-351.
  • Gutknecht N, Apel C, Schäfer C, Lampert F. Microleakage of composite fillings in ErCr: YSGG laser-prepared class II cavities. Lasers Surg Med 2001; 28: 371-374.
  • Firat E, Gurgan S, Gutknecht N. Microtensile bond strength of an etch-and-rinse adhesive to enamel and dentin after Er: YAG laser pretreatment with different pulse durations. Lasers Med Sci 2012;27:15-21.
  • Kataumi M, Nakajima M, Yamada T. Tensile bond strength and SEM evaluation of Er: YAG laser irradiated dentin using dentin adhesive. J Dent Mater 1998; 17: 125-138.
  • Aoki A, Ishikawa I, Yamada T, Otsuki M, Watanabe H, Tagami J, Ando Y, Yamamoto H. Comparison between Er: YAG laser and conventional technique for root caries treatment in vitro. J Dent Res. 1998; 77: 1404-1414.
  • Buonocore MG. A simple method of increasing the adhesion of acrylic filling materials to enamel surfaces. J Dent Res 1955; 34: 849-853.
  • Fusayama T, Nakamura M, Kurosaki N, Iwaku M. Nonpressure adhesion of a new adhesive restorative system. J Dent Res 1979; 58: 1364–1370.
  • Van Meerbeek B, De Munck J, Mattar D, Van Landuyt K, Lambrechts P. Microtensile Bond strengths of an etch&rinse and selfetch adhesive to enamel and dentin as a function of surface treatment. Oper Dent 2003; 28: 647–660.
  • Pelagalli J, Gimble CB, Hansen RT, Swett A, Win DN. Investigational study of the use of Er: YAG laser versus dental drill for caries removal and cavity preparation- phase 1. J Clin Laser Med Surg 1997; 15: 109–115.
  • Stiesch-Scholz M, Hannig M. In vitro study of enamel and dentin marginal integrity of composite and compomer restorations placed in primary teeth after diamond or Er: YAG laser cavity preparation. J Adhes Dent 2000; 2: 213-222.
  • Burkes EJ, Hoke J, Gomes E, Wolbarsht M. Wet versus dry enamel ablation by Er: YAG laser. J Prosthet Dent 1992; 67: 847-851.
  • Giachetti L, Scaminaci Russo D, Scarpelli F, Vitale M. SEM analysis of dentin treated with the Er: YAG laser: a pilot study of the consequences resulting from laser use on adhesion mechanisms. J Clin Laser Med Surg 2004: 22: 35-41.
  • Cardoso MV, Coutinho E, Ermis RB, Poitevin A, Van Landuyt K, De Munck J, Carvalho RC, Van Meerbeek B. Influence of dentin cavity surface finishing on microtensile bond strength of adhesives. Dent Mater 2008; 24: 492–501
  • De Munck J, Van Landuyt K, Peumans M, Poitevin A, Lambrechts P, Braem M. A critical review of the durability of adhesion to tooth tissue: methods and results. J Dent Res 2005; 84:118–132.
  • Breschi L, Mazzoni A, Ruggeri A, Cadenaro M, Di Lenarda R, De Stefano Dorigo E. Dental adhesion review: aging and stability of the bonded interface. Dent Mater 2008; 24: 90-101.
  • Weinmann W, Thalacker C, Guggenberger R. Siloranes in dental composites Dent Mater 2005; 21:68–74.
  • Umer F, Naz F, Khan FR. An in vitro evaluation of microleakage in class V preparations restored with Hybrid versus Silorane composites. J Conserv Dent 2011;14:103-7.
  • Proença JP, Polido M, Osorio E, Erhardt MC, Aguilera FS, García-Godoy F, Osorio R, Toledano M. Dentin regional bond strength of self-etch and total-etch adhesive systems. Dent Mater 2007;23:1542- 1548.
  • Pashley DH, Tay FR. Aggressiveness of contemporary selfetching adhesives. Part II: etching effects on unground enamel. Dent Mater 2001; 17: 430‑444.
  • Hiraishi N, Nishiyama N, Ikemura K, Yau JY, King NM, Tagami J, Pashley DH, Tay FR. Water concentration in self-etching primers affects their aggressiveness and bonding efficacy to dentin. J Dent Res 2005; 84: 653-658.
  • Moszner N, Salz., Zimmermann J. Chemical aspects of self-etching enamel-dentin adhesives: a systematic review. Dent Mater 2005; 21: 895-910.
  • Toledano M, Osorio R, de Leonardi G, Rosales-Leal JI, Ceballos L, Cabrerizo-Vilchez MA. Influence of self-etching primer on the resin adhesion to enamel and dentin. Am J Dent 2001;14: 205-210.
  • Yoshida Y, Yoshihara K, Hayakawa S, Nagaoka N, Okihara T, Matsumoto T, Minagi S, Osaka A, Van Landuyt K, Van Meerbeek B. HEMA inhibits interfacial nano-layering of the functional monomer MDP. J Dent Res 2012: 91: 1060-1065.
  • Ceballo L, Toledano M, Osorio R, Tay FR, Marshall GW. Bonding to Er-YAG-laser-treated dentin. J Dent Res 2002; 81: 119-122.
  • Akin GE, Herguner-Siso S, Ozcan M, Ozel-Bektas O, Akin H. Bond strengths of one-step self-etch adhesives to laser-irradiated and burcut dentin after water storage and thermocycling. Photomed Laser Surg 2012;30: 214-21.
Year 2016, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 35 - 43, 03.01.2016



  • Marshall Jr GW, Marshall SJ, Kinney JH. Balooch M. The dentin substrate: structure and properties related to bonding. J Dent Res 1997; 25:441-58.
  • Van Meerbeek B. Peumans M. Gladys S. Braem M. Lambrechts P. Vanherle G. Three-year clinical effectiveness of four total-etch dentinal adhesive systems in cervical lesions. Quint Inter 1996; 27: 775‑784.
  • Carvalho RM, Yoshiyama M, Pashley EL, Pashley DH. In vitro study on the dimensional changes of human dentine after demineralization. Arch Oral Biol 1996; 41:369-377.
  • Corona SA, Borsatto MC, Pecora JD, De SA Rocha RA, Ramos TS, Palma-Dibb RG. Assessing microleakage of different class V restorations after Er: YAG laser and bur preparation. J Oral Rehabil 2003;30:1008-14
  • De Moor RJ, Delmé KI. Laser-assisted cavity preparation and adhesion to erbium-lased tooth structure: part 1. Laser-assisted cavity preparation. J Adhes Dent 2009; 11: 427-438.
  • Keller U, Hibst R. Experimental studies on the application of the Er: YAG laser on dental hard substances II. Light microscope and SEM investigations. Lasers Surg Med 1989; 9: 345-351.
  • Gutknecht N, Apel C, Schäfer C, Lampert F. Microleakage of composite fillings in ErCr: YSGG laser-prepared class II cavities. Lasers Surg Med 2001; 28: 371-374.
  • Firat E, Gurgan S, Gutknecht N. Microtensile bond strength of an etch-and-rinse adhesive to enamel and dentin after Er: YAG laser pretreatment with different pulse durations. Lasers Med Sci 2012;27:15-21.
  • Kataumi M, Nakajima M, Yamada T. Tensile bond strength and SEM evaluation of Er: YAG laser irradiated dentin using dentin adhesive. J Dent Mater 1998; 17: 125-138.
  • Aoki A, Ishikawa I, Yamada T, Otsuki M, Watanabe H, Tagami J, Ando Y, Yamamoto H. Comparison between Er: YAG laser and conventional technique for root caries treatment in vitro. J Dent Res. 1998; 77: 1404-1414.
  • Buonocore MG. A simple method of increasing the adhesion of acrylic filling materials to enamel surfaces. J Dent Res 1955; 34: 849-853.
  • Fusayama T, Nakamura M, Kurosaki N, Iwaku M. Nonpressure adhesion of a new adhesive restorative system. J Dent Res 1979; 58: 1364–1370.
  • Van Meerbeek B, De Munck J, Mattar D, Van Landuyt K, Lambrechts P. Microtensile Bond strengths of an etch&rinse and selfetch adhesive to enamel and dentin as a function of surface treatment. Oper Dent 2003; 28: 647–660.
  • Pelagalli J, Gimble CB, Hansen RT, Swett A, Win DN. Investigational study of the use of Er: YAG laser versus dental drill for caries removal and cavity preparation- phase 1. J Clin Laser Med Surg 1997; 15: 109–115.
  • Stiesch-Scholz M, Hannig M. In vitro study of enamel and dentin marginal integrity of composite and compomer restorations placed in primary teeth after diamond or Er: YAG laser cavity preparation. J Adhes Dent 2000; 2: 213-222.
  • Burkes EJ, Hoke J, Gomes E, Wolbarsht M. Wet versus dry enamel ablation by Er: YAG laser. J Prosthet Dent 1992; 67: 847-851.
  • Giachetti L, Scaminaci Russo D, Scarpelli F, Vitale M. SEM analysis of dentin treated with the Er: YAG laser: a pilot study of the consequences resulting from laser use on adhesion mechanisms. J Clin Laser Med Surg 2004: 22: 35-41.
  • Cardoso MV, Coutinho E, Ermis RB, Poitevin A, Van Landuyt K, De Munck J, Carvalho RC, Van Meerbeek B. Influence of dentin cavity surface finishing on microtensile bond strength of adhesives. Dent Mater 2008; 24: 492–501
  • De Munck J, Van Landuyt K, Peumans M, Poitevin A, Lambrechts P, Braem M. A critical review of the durability of adhesion to tooth tissue: methods and results. J Dent Res 2005; 84:118–132.
  • Breschi L, Mazzoni A, Ruggeri A, Cadenaro M, Di Lenarda R, De Stefano Dorigo E. Dental adhesion review: aging and stability of the bonded interface. Dent Mater 2008; 24: 90-101.
  • Weinmann W, Thalacker C, Guggenberger R. Siloranes in dental composites Dent Mater 2005; 21:68–74.
  • Umer F, Naz F, Khan FR. An in vitro evaluation of microleakage in class V preparations restored with Hybrid versus Silorane composites. J Conserv Dent 2011;14:103-7.
  • Proença JP, Polido M, Osorio E, Erhardt MC, Aguilera FS, García-Godoy F, Osorio R, Toledano M. Dentin regional bond strength of self-etch and total-etch adhesive systems. Dent Mater 2007;23:1542- 1548.
  • Pashley DH, Tay FR. Aggressiveness of contemporary selfetching adhesives. Part II: etching effects on unground enamel. Dent Mater 2001; 17: 430‑444.
  • Hiraishi N, Nishiyama N, Ikemura K, Yau JY, King NM, Tagami J, Pashley DH, Tay FR. Water concentration in self-etching primers affects their aggressiveness and bonding efficacy to dentin. J Dent Res 2005; 84: 653-658.
  • Moszner N, Salz., Zimmermann J. Chemical aspects of self-etching enamel-dentin adhesives: a systematic review. Dent Mater 2005; 21: 895-910.
  • Toledano M, Osorio R, de Leonardi G, Rosales-Leal JI, Ceballos L, Cabrerizo-Vilchez MA. Influence of self-etching primer on the resin adhesion to enamel and dentin. Am J Dent 2001;14: 205-210.
  • Yoshida Y, Yoshihara K, Hayakawa S, Nagaoka N, Okihara T, Matsumoto T, Minagi S, Osaka A, Van Landuyt K, Van Meerbeek B. HEMA inhibits interfacial nano-layering of the functional monomer MDP. J Dent Res 2012: 91: 1060-1065.
  • Ceballo L, Toledano M, Osorio R, Tay FR, Marshall GW. Bonding to Er-YAG-laser-treated dentin. J Dent Res 2002; 81: 119-122.
  • Akin GE, Herguner-Siso S, Ozcan M, Ozel-Bektas O, Akin H. Bond strengths of one-step self-etch adhesives to laser-irradiated and burcut dentin after water storage and thermocycling. Photomed Laser Surg 2012;30: 214-21.
There are 30 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Burcu Dikici

Publication Date January 3, 2016
Submission Date December 6, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016Volume: 19 Issue: 1


EndNote Dikici B (January 1, 2016) Microtensile bond strengths of Class V restorations after conventional and laser preparation and SEM analysis of resin-dentin interface. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal 19 1 35–43.

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