ISSN: 2717-8005
Founded: 2020
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International Journal of Primary Education Studies is an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that is online publishes once times in a year.  IJPES in all areas of basic education, aims to contribute to the shaping of high quality to provide a platform for the publication of research and policy related to education in Turkey and in the world. IJPES provides instant open access to the content of research to support a broad global exchange of information. As an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, IJPESprovides a platform for the publication of scientific research in the all areas of education on primary grades. IJPESis a multidisciplinary journal, committed to no single approach, discipline, methodology or paradigm. It is concerned with elementary education in general and devoted to all concerned with elementary education. IJPES welcomes original research. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concern the significance of the contribution to the area of primary education.
