e-ISSN: 2822-4930
Founded: 2022
Publisher: Ataturk University
Cover Image

About the History and Historian
History and Historian is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online-only journal published by Atatürk University. The journal is published biannual in both Turkish, and English with articles released in June, and December.

Aims, Scope, and Audience
History and Historian aims to publish studies of the highest scientific caliber in the field of Turkish and World History.
History and Historian publishes articles on Turkish and World History that will contribute to the literature from many different disciplines ((Literature, Sociology, Theology, Political Science, International Relations, History of Art, etc.), especially research, compilation, biographical studies, archive documents, translations and book reviews. In doing so, the journal aims to bring together researchers, educational practitioners and policy makers at a common intersection.
The target audience of the journal consists of researchers who are interested in or working in the field of Turkish and World History.
