Research Article
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Year 2021, , 21 - 29, 24.02.2021


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ankara üniversitesi bilimsel araştırma projeleri

Project Number



  • Eden E, Cogulu D, Attın T. The Effect of Finishing and Polishing Systems on Surface Roughness, Microhardness and Microleakage of a Nanohybrid Composite. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 2012; 5: 155-160.
  • Hosoya Y, Shiraishi T, Odatsu T, Nagafuji J, Kotaku M, Miyazaki M. Powers Jm Effects of polishing on surface roughness, gloss, and color of resin composites. Int J Oral Sci 2011; 53: 283-291.
  • Mandikos MN, McGivney GP, Davis E, Bush PJ, Carter JM. A comparison of the wear resistance and hardness of indirect composite resins. J Prosthet Dent 2001; 85: 386-395.
  • Yap AUJ, Sau CW, Lye KW. Effects of finishing/polishing time on surface characteristics of tooth-coloured restoratives. J Oral Rehabil 1998; 25: 456-461.
  • Jefferies SR. Abrasive finishing and polishing in restorative dentistry: a state-of-the-art review. Dent Clin North Am 2007; 51: 379-397.
  • Mallya PL, Acharya S, Ballal V, Ginjupallı K, Kundabala M, Thomas M. Profilometric study to compare the effectiveness of various finishing and polishing techniques on different restorative glass ionomer cements. Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry 2013; 3: 86-90.
  • Gedik R, Hürmüzlü F, Coşkun A, Bektaş OO, Ozdemir AK. Surface roughness of new microhybrid resin-based composites. J Am Dent Assoc 2005; 136: 1106-1112.
  • Antonson SA, Yazıcı AR, Kılınç E, Antonson DE, Hardigan PC. Comparison of different finishing/polishing systems on surface roughness and gloss of resin composites. J Dent 2011; 39: 9-17.
  • Lesage B. Finishing and polishing criteria for minimally invasive composite restorations. General Dentistry 2010; 59: 422-428.
  • Baseren M. Surface roughness of nanofill and nanohybrid composite resin and ormocer-based tooth-colored restorative materials after several finishing and polishing procedures. J Biomater Appl 2004; 19:121-134.
  • Türkün LS, Türkün M. The effect of one-step polishing system on the surface roughness of three esthetic resin composite materials. Oper Dent 2004; 29: 203-211.
  • Kemaloglu H, Karacolak G, Turkun LS. Can Reduced‐Step Polishers Be as Effective as Multiple‐Step Polishers in Enhancing Surface Smoothness? J Esthet Restor Dent 2017; 29.1: 31-40.
  • Ferraris F. Adhesion, layering, and finishing of resin composite restorations for class II cavity preparations. Eur J Esthet Dent 2007; 2: 210-221.
  • William JA. Wear and wear particles-some fundamentals. Tribiology International 2005; 38: 863–870.
  • Kim KH, Ong JL, Okuno O. The effect of filler loading and morphology on the mechanical properties of contemporary composites. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 87: 642-649.
  • Manhart J, Kunzelmann KH, Chen HY, Hickel R. Mechanical properties of new composite restorative materials. J Biomed Mater Res 2000; 53: 353-361.
  • Scougall-Vilchis RJ, Hotta Y, Hotta M, Idono T, Yamamoto K. Examination of composite resins with electron microscopy, microhardness tester and energy dispersive X-ray microanalyzer. Dent Mater J 2009; 28: 102-112.
  • Munchow EA, Correa MB, Ogliari FA, Piva E, Zanchi CH. Correlation between surface roughness and microhardness of experimental composites with varying filler concentration. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012; 13:299-304.
  • Erdemir U, Yıldız E, Eren MM, Ozsoy A, Topcu FT. Effects of polishing systems on the surface roughness of tooth-colored materials. J Dent Sci 2013; 8: 160-169.
  • Schmitt VL, Puppin-Rontani RM, Naufel FS, Ludwig D, Ueda JK, Sobrinho LC. Effect of finishing and polishing techniques on the surface roughness of a nanoparticle composite resin. Braz J Oral Sci 2011; 10: 105-108.
  • Tjan AH, Chan CA. The polishability of posterior composites. J Prosthet Dent 1989; 61: 138-146.
  • Özgünaltay G, Yazici AR, Görücü J. Effect of finishing and polishing procedures on the surface roughness of new tooth-coloured restoratives. J Oral Rehabil 2003, 30:218-224.
  • Krejci I, Lutz F, Borettı R. Resin composite polishing-filling the gaps. Quintessence Int 1999; 30: 490-495.
  • Bollen CM, Lambrechts P, Quırynen M. Comparison of surface roughness of oral hard materials to the threshold surface roughness for bacterial plaque retention: a review of the literature. Dent Mater 1997; 13: 258-269.
  • Hamouda IM. Effects of Various Beverages on Hardness, Roughness, and Solubility of Esthetic Restorative Materials. J Esthet Restor Dent 2011; 23: 315-22.
  • Ryba TM, Dunn WJ, Murchison DF. Surface roughness of various packable composites. Oper Dent 2002; 27:243-247.
  • Yap AUJ, Mok BYY. Surface finish of a new hybrid aesthetic restorative material. Oper Dent 2002; 27: 161-166.
  • Senawongse P, Pongprueksa P. Surface roughness of nanofill and nanohybrid resin composites after polishing and brushing. J Esthet Restor Dent 2007; 19: 265-273.
  • Lien W, Vandewalle KS. Physical properties of a new silorane-based restorative system. Dent Mater., 2010; 26: 337-344.
  • Orlowskı M, Tarczydło B, Chałas R. Evaluation of Marginal Integrity of Four Bulk-Fill Dental Composite Materials: In Vitro Study. The Scientific World Journal 2015; 701262.

Which Finishing And Polishing Technique Is More Effective For Surface Roughness And Microhardness?

Year 2021, , 21 - 29, 24.02.2021


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of finishing and polishing (F/P) techniques on resin restorative materials’ surface roughness and microhardness.
Materials and methods: A total of 168 specimens were prepared using compomer, resin composite, and giomer, and subjected to F/P. and F/P was performed using Sof-Lex Discs, Sof-Lex Spiral Wheels, and Enamel Plus Shiny. No F/P was performed in the control group. Surface roughness and microhardness were measured. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, two independent samples t-test, and Kruskal-Wallis test. The correlations between parameters was investigated using Pearson’s correlation test (p<0.05).
Results: Enamel Plus Shiny and the control group were not significantly different in terms of surface roughness. For Sof-Lex Disc, Dyract XP resulted in a significantly higher surface roughness. For Sof-Lex Spiral Wheels, FiltekTM Bulk Fill resulted in a statistically significant lower surface roughness (p<0.05). In terms of microhardness, Beautifil II resulted in a significantly higher microhardness in the Sof-Lex Disc group (p<0.05). In the control group, Dyract XP resulted in a significantly lower microhardness compared to FiltekTM Bulk Fill and Beautifil II. Sof-Lex Spiral Wheels and Enamel Plus Shiny had statistically different microhardness results. Surface roughness and microhardness values were positively correlated for Filtek™ Bulk Fill and negatively correlated for Dyract XP and Beautifil II.
Conclusion: Proper finishing and polishing are essential for restoration aesthetics and longevity. We conclude that the results of F/P depend on both the used method and materials.
Keywords: Enamel Plus Shiny, Microhardness, Surface roughness, Finishing and polishing


Amaç: Bitirme ve parlatma (F/P) tekniklerinin kompozit rezin restorasyon materyallerinin yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve mikro sertliği üzerindeki etkilerini değerlendirilerek materyal için en ideal yüzey özelliği oluşturan bitirme ve parlatma tekniğinin araştırılmasıdır.

Gereç ve Yöntemler: Pleksiglas kalıplar kullanılarak 168 örnek hazırlamak için kompomer, kompozit rezin ve giomer kullanıldı ve örnekler F/P tekniklerine tabi tutuldu. Kontrol Grubunda F/P yapılmadı. F/P için; Sof-Lex Disk; Sof-LexTM Spiral Lastikler ve Enamel Plus Shiny kullanıldı. Yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve mikro sertlik değerleri ölçüldü. Veriler tek yönlü ANOVA, iki bağımsız örnek t-testi, Kruskal Wallis kullanılarak analiz edildi ve iki parametre arasındaki korelasyon için Pearson korelasyon testi kullanıldı (p <0.05).

Bulgular: Elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda yüzey pürüzlülük değerler karşılaştırıldığında; Enamel Plus Shiny ile kontrol grubu arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulgulanmadı. Sof-Lex Disk kullanıldığında Dyract XP grubunda, yüzey pürüzlülüğünün anlamlı derecede daha yüksek olduğu tespit edildi(p<0.05). Sof-Lex Spiral Lastikler kullanıldığında, FiltekTM Bulk Fill’in istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede daha düşük yüzey pürüzlülüğü değeri gösterdiği bulgulandı (p <0.05). Mikrosertlik değerlerinde ise Sof-Lex Disk kullanıldığında; Beautifil II ye ait mikrosertlik değerlerinin anlamlı olarak daha yüksek olduğu tespit edildi (p <0.05), kontrol grubu için ise Dyract XP’nin, FiltekTM Bulk Fill ve Beautifil II ile karşılaştırıldığında mikrosertlik değerinin en düşük değer gösterdiği bulgulandı. Sof-Lex Spiral Lastikler ve Enamel Plus Shiny için, restoratif materyallerin mikrosertlik değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar gözlenmiştir. Yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve mikro sertlik arasındaki korelasyon ise; FiltekTM Bulk Fill materyalinde pozitif korelasyona sahipken; Dyract XP ve Beautifil II materyallerinde negatif korelasyona sahiptir.
Sonuçlar: Uygun F / P prosedürleri, restoratif materyaller için estetik ve uzun ömürlülüğü arttıran gerekli adımlardır. Çalışmamızın sınırları dahilinde, en ideal bitirme ve parlatma tekniğinin kullanılan rezin içerikli restoratif materyalin özelliklerine bağlı olarak değişkenlik gösterdiği, F / P tekniklerinin etkilerinin hem bitirme ve parlatma tekniğine hem de restoratif materyale bağlı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Enamel Plus Shiny, Mikrosertlik, Yüzey Pürüzlülüğü,Bitirme ve Parlatma Sistemler

Project Number



  • Eden E, Cogulu D, Attın T. The Effect of Finishing and Polishing Systems on Surface Roughness, Microhardness and Microleakage of a Nanohybrid Composite. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 2012; 5: 155-160.
  • Hosoya Y, Shiraishi T, Odatsu T, Nagafuji J, Kotaku M, Miyazaki M. Powers Jm Effects of polishing on surface roughness, gloss, and color of resin composites. Int J Oral Sci 2011; 53: 283-291.
  • Mandikos MN, McGivney GP, Davis E, Bush PJ, Carter JM. A comparison of the wear resistance and hardness of indirect composite resins. J Prosthet Dent 2001; 85: 386-395.
  • Yap AUJ, Sau CW, Lye KW. Effects of finishing/polishing time on surface characteristics of tooth-coloured restoratives. J Oral Rehabil 1998; 25: 456-461.
  • Jefferies SR. Abrasive finishing and polishing in restorative dentistry: a state-of-the-art review. Dent Clin North Am 2007; 51: 379-397.
  • Mallya PL, Acharya S, Ballal V, Ginjupallı K, Kundabala M, Thomas M. Profilometric study to compare the effectiveness of various finishing and polishing techniques on different restorative glass ionomer cements. Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry 2013; 3: 86-90.
  • Gedik R, Hürmüzlü F, Coşkun A, Bektaş OO, Ozdemir AK. Surface roughness of new microhybrid resin-based composites. J Am Dent Assoc 2005; 136: 1106-1112.
  • Antonson SA, Yazıcı AR, Kılınç E, Antonson DE, Hardigan PC. Comparison of different finishing/polishing systems on surface roughness and gloss of resin composites. J Dent 2011; 39: 9-17.
  • Lesage B. Finishing and polishing criteria for minimally invasive composite restorations. General Dentistry 2010; 59: 422-428.
  • Baseren M. Surface roughness of nanofill and nanohybrid composite resin and ormocer-based tooth-colored restorative materials after several finishing and polishing procedures. J Biomater Appl 2004; 19:121-134.
  • Türkün LS, Türkün M. The effect of one-step polishing system on the surface roughness of three esthetic resin composite materials. Oper Dent 2004; 29: 203-211.
  • Kemaloglu H, Karacolak G, Turkun LS. Can Reduced‐Step Polishers Be as Effective as Multiple‐Step Polishers in Enhancing Surface Smoothness? J Esthet Restor Dent 2017; 29.1: 31-40.
  • Ferraris F. Adhesion, layering, and finishing of resin composite restorations for class II cavity preparations. Eur J Esthet Dent 2007; 2: 210-221.
  • William JA. Wear and wear particles-some fundamentals. Tribiology International 2005; 38: 863–870.
  • Kim KH, Ong JL, Okuno O. The effect of filler loading and morphology on the mechanical properties of contemporary composites. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 87: 642-649.
  • Manhart J, Kunzelmann KH, Chen HY, Hickel R. Mechanical properties of new composite restorative materials. J Biomed Mater Res 2000; 53: 353-361.
  • Scougall-Vilchis RJ, Hotta Y, Hotta M, Idono T, Yamamoto K. Examination of composite resins with electron microscopy, microhardness tester and energy dispersive X-ray microanalyzer. Dent Mater J 2009; 28: 102-112.
  • Munchow EA, Correa MB, Ogliari FA, Piva E, Zanchi CH. Correlation between surface roughness and microhardness of experimental composites with varying filler concentration. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012; 13:299-304.
  • Erdemir U, Yıldız E, Eren MM, Ozsoy A, Topcu FT. Effects of polishing systems on the surface roughness of tooth-colored materials. J Dent Sci 2013; 8: 160-169.
  • Schmitt VL, Puppin-Rontani RM, Naufel FS, Ludwig D, Ueda JK, Sobrinho LC. Effect of finishing and polishing techniques on the surface roughness of a nanoparticle composite resin. Braz J Oral Sci 2011; 10: 105-108.
  • Tjan AH, Chan CA. The polishability of posterior composites. J Prosthet Dent 1989; 61: 138-146.
  • Özgünaltay G, Yazici AR, Görücü J. Effect of finishing and polishing procedures on the surface roughness of new tooth-coloured restoratives. J Oral Rehabil 2003, 30:218-224.
  • Krejci I, Lutz F, Borettı R. Resin composite polishing-filling the gaps. Quintessence Int 1999; 30: 490-495.
  • Bollen CM, Lambrechts P, Quırynen M. Comparison of surface roughness of oral hard materials to the threshold surface roughness for bacterial plaque retention: a review of the literature. Dent Mater 1997; 13: 258-269.
  • Hamouda IM. Effects of Various Beverages on Hardness, Roughness, and Solubility of Esthetic Restorative Materials. J Esthet Restor Dent 2011; 23: 315-22.
  • Ryba TM, Dunn WJ, Murchison DF. Surface roughness of various packable composites. Oper Dent 2002; 27:243-247.
  • Yap AUJ, Mok BYY. Surface finish of a new hybrid aesthetic restorative material. Oper Dent 2002; 27: 161-166.
  • Senawongse P, Pongprueksa P. Surface roughness of nanofill and nanohybrid resin composites after polishing and brushing. J Esthet Restor Dent 2007; 19: 265-273.
  • Lien W, Vandewalle KS. Physical properties of a new silorane-based restorative system. Dent Mater., 2010; 26: 337-344.
  • Orlowskı M, Tarczydło B, Chałas R. Evaluation of Marginal Integrity of Four Bulk-Fill Dental Composite Materials: In Vitro Study. The Scientific World Journal 2015; 701262.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Elif Gül Aydın 0000-0002-6034-0029

Nurhan Özalp 0000-0003-4192-2960

Project Number 15H0234005
Publication Date February 24, 2021
Submission Date September 18, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


EndNote Gül Aydın E, Özalp N (February 1, 2021) Which Finishing And Polishing Technique Is More Effective For Surface Roughness And Microhardness?. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal 24 1 21–29.

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