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Year 2017, , 40 - 44, 12.05.2017


The aim of this retrospective study is to evaluate the etiology of mandibular
fractures, the distribution of the age and gender of mandibular fracture
patients, the anatomical regions where these fractures are located, and the
treatment modalities used in mandibular fracture cases.

and Methods:
This study employed data obtained
via clinical records and the files of patients diagnosed with a mandibular
fracture who were treated from 2011 to 2015 at the Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, Ataturk University. 
The etiology of these patients’ mandibular fractures, the distribution
of these patients’ age and gender, the anatomical regions where these patients’
fractures were located, and the treatments applied to these patients were
recorded by analyzing the obtained data.  Descriptive statistical analysis was performed
using Microsoft Excel software.

Results: 137 mandibular fracture sites were seen in 103 patients. Of these
patients, 81 (79%) were male and 22 (21%) female, making the male-to-female
ratio 3.7:1. The patients’ ages ranged between 4 and 78 years, and the mean age
was 31.4. Of the various etiologies of mandibular fractures, traffic accident
(42 patients, 41%) was most frequent, followed by violence (28 patients, 27%),
fall (24 patients, 23%). Of the various anatomical sites where mandibular
fractures occurred, the condylar site (36 patients, 26%) was the most common,
followed by the body (24%), symphysis and parasymphysis (23%), angle (18%). 58
patients (56%) were treated with closed reduction 42 patients (41%) were
treated with open reduction. Three patients (3%) did not receive any treatment.

Traffic accidents are the most common etiologic factor of mandibular fracture
cases in center of the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Males and young
individuals are the most affected. The condylar site is the most common
anatomical site.  Both closed and open
reduction methods are commonly used for the treatment of mandibular fractures.


  • Referans1 Erol B, Tanrikulu R, Görgün B. Maxillofacial Fractures. Analysis of demographic distribution and treatment in 2901patients (25-year experience). J Cranio Maxill Surg 2004;32:308-313.
  • Referans2 Allan B, Daly C. Fractures of the mandible. A 35-year retrospective study. Int J Oral Max Surg 1990;19:268-271.
  • Referans3 Andersson L. Trauma. In:Andersson L, Kahnberg K-E, Pogrel MA.(eds.) Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, 2012:877-898.
  • Referans4 De Matos F, Arnez M, Sverzut C, Trivellato A. A retrospective study of mandibular fracture in a 40-month period. Int J Oral Max Surg 2010;39:10-15.
  • Referans5 Chrcanovic BR, Abreu MHNG, Freire-Maia B, Souza LN. 1,454 mandibular fractures: a 3-year study in a hospital in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. J Cranio Maxill Surg 2012;40:116-123.
  • Referans6 Brasileiro BF, Passeri LA. Epidemiological analysis of maxillofacial fractures in Brazil: a 5-year prospective study. Oral Surg Oral Med O 2006;102:28-34.
  • Referans7 Patrocínio LG, Patrocínio JA, Borba BHC, et al. Mandibular fracture: analysis of 293 patients treated in the Hospital of Clinics, Federal University of Uberlândia. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 2005;71:560-565.
  • Referans8 Ellis E, Moos KF, El-Attar A. Ten years of mandibular fractures: an analysis of 2,137 cases. Oral Surg Oral Med O 1985;59:120-129.
  • Referans9 Ansari MH. Maxillofacial fractures in Hamedan province, Iran: a retrospective study (1987–2001). J Cranio Maxill Surg 2004;32:28-34.
  • Referans10 Subhashraj K, Ramkumar S, Ravindran C. Pattern of mandibular fractures in Chennai, India. Brit J Oral Max Surg 2008;46:126-127.
  • Referans11 Bochlogyros PN. A retrospective study of 1,521 mandibular fractures. J Oral Maxil Surg 1985;43:597-599.
  • Referans12 Iida S, Kogo M, Sugiura T, Mima T, Matsuya T. Retrospective analysis of 1502 patients with facial fractures. Int J Oral Max Surg 2001;30:286-290.
  • Referans13 Bormann K-H, Wild S, Gellrich N-C, et al. Five-year retrospective study of mandibular fractures in Freiburg, Germany: incidence, etiology, treatment, and complications. J Oral Maxil Surg 2009;67:1251-1255.
  • Referans14 Iizuka T, Lindqvist C. Rigid internal fixation of mandibular fractures: an analysis of 270 fractures treated using the AO/ASIF method. Int J Oral Max Surg 1992;21:65-69.
  • Referans15 Oikarinen K, Ignatius E, Kauppi H, Silvennoinen U. Mandibular fractures in Northern Finland in the 1980s—a 10-year study. Brit J Oral Max Surg 1993;31:23-27.
  • Referans16 Johansson B, Krekmanov L, Thomsson M. Miniplate osteosynthesis of infected mandibular fractures. J Cranio Maxill Surg 1988;16:22-27.
  • Referans17 Sakr K, Farag IA, Zeitoun IM. Review of 509 mandibular fractures treated at the University Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt. Brit J Oral Max Surg 2006;44:107-111.
  • Referans18 Gabrielli MAC, Gabrielli MFR, Marcantonio E, Hochuli-Vieira E. Fixation of mandibular fractures with 2.0-mm miniplates: review of 191 cases. J Oral Maxil Surg 2003;61:430-436.
  • Referans19 Chuong R, Donoff RB, Guralnick WC. A retrospective analysis of 327 mandibular fractures. J Oral Maxil Surg 1983;41:305-309.
  • Referans20 Infante Cossio P, Espin Galvez F, Gutierrez Perez JL, Garcia-Perla A, Hernandez Guisado JM. Mandibular fractures in children. A retrospective study of 99 fractures in 59 patients. Int J Oral Max Surg 1994;23:329-331.

Türkiye’nin Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi Merkezinde Mandibula Kırıklarının Retrospektif Analizi

Year 2017, , 40 - 44, 12.05.2017


Amaç: Bu retrospektif çalışmanın amacı, mandibula kırıklarının etiyolojisini,
hastaların cinsiyet ve yaş dağılımlarını, bu kırıkların oluştuğu anatomik bölgeleri
ve tedavi yöntemlerini değerlendirmektir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma da kullanılan veriler, 2011-2015
yılları arasında Atatürk Üniversitesi, Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Ağız, Diş ve Çene
Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı'nda mandibula kırığı teşhisiyle tedavi edilen
hastaların dosyaları ve klinik kayıtlarından elde edilmiştir. Bu veriler
üzerinden, mandibula kırıklarının etiyolojisi, yaş ve cinsiyet dağılımı,
kırıkların anatomik bölgeleri ve uygulanan tedaviler analiz edilerek
kaydedildi. Verilerin yüzdeleri, ortalamaları ve standart sapmaları Microsoft
Excel yazılımı kullanılarak hesaplandı.

Bulgular: 103 hastada 137 mandibula kırığı görüldü. Bu hastalardan 81'i (% 79)
erkek, 22'si (% 21) kadın, erkek-kadın oranı 3.7: 1’dir. Hastaların yaşları 4
ile 78 yıl arasında değişiyordu ve ortalama yaş 31.4’dür. Mandibula
kırıklarının çeşitli etyolojileri arasında trafik kazaları (42 hasta,% 41) en
sık olarak görülmekle birlikte, bunu şiddet (28 hasta,% 27) ve düşme (24
hasta,% 23) izledi. Mandibula kırıklarının meydana geldiği çeşitli anatomik
bölgeler arasında kondil bölgesi en sık görülmekle birlikte (36 hasta,% 26),
bunu korpus (% 24), semfiz ve parasemfiz (% 23) ve angulus (% 18) izledi. 58
hasta (% 56) kapalı redüksiyonla ve kırk iki hasta (% 41) açık redüksiyonla tedavi
edildi. Üç hasta (% 3) herhangi bir tedavi görmedi.

Sonuç: Trafik kazaları, mandibula kırıklarında en sık görülen etyolojik faktör
olmakla birlikte erkekler ve genç bireyler en fazla etkilenmektedir. Kondiler
bölge kırığın meydana geldiği en yaygın anatomik bölgedir. Mandibula
kırıklarının tedavisinde hem kapalı hem de açık redüksiyon tedavi yöntemleri
yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.


  • Referans1 Erol B, Tanrikulu R, Görgün B. Maxillofacial Fractures. Analysis of demographic distribution and treatment in 2901patients (25-year experience). J Cranio Maxill Surg 2004;32:308-313.
  • Referans2 Allan B, Daly C. Fractures of the mandible. A 35-year retrospective study. Int J Oral Max Surg 1990;19:268-271.
  • Referans3 Andersson L. Trauma. In:Andersson L, Kahnberg K-E, Pogrel MA.(eds.) Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, 2012:877-898.
  • Referans4 De Matos F, Arnez M, Sverzut C, Trivellato A. A retrospective study of mandibular fracture in a 40-month period. Int J Oral Max Surg 2010;39:10-15.
  • Referans5 Chrcanovic BR, Abreu MHNG, Freire-Maia B, Souza LN. 1,454 mandibular fractures: a 3-year study in a hospital in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. J Cranio Maxill Surg 2012;40:116-123.
  • Referans6 Brasileiro BF, Passeri LA. Epidemiological analysis of maxillofacial fractures in Brazil: a 5-year prospective study. Oral Surg Oral Med O 2006;102:28-34.
  • Referans7 Patrocínio LG, Patrocínio JA, Borba BHC, et al. Mandibular fracture: analysis of 293 patients treated in the Hospital of Clinics, Federal University of Uberlândia. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 2005;71:560-565.
  • Referans8 Ellis E, Moos KF, El-Attar A. Ten years of mandibular fractures: an analysis of 2,137 cases. Oral Surg Oral Med O 1985;59:120-129.
  • Referans9 Ansari MH. Maxillofacial fractures in Hamedan province, Iran: a retrospective study (1987–2001). J Cranio Maxill Surg 2004;32:28-34.
  • Referans10 Subhashraj K, Ramkumar S, Ravindran C. Pattern of mandibular fractures in Chennai, India. Brit J Oral Max Surg 2008;46:126-127.
  • Referans11 Bochlogyros PN. A retrospective study of 1,521 mandibular fractures. J Oral Maxil Surg 1985;43:597-599.
  • Referans12 Iida S, Kogo M, Sugiura T, Mima T, Matsuya T. Retrospective analysis of 1502 patients with facial fractures. Int J Oral Max Surg 2001;30:286-290.
  • Referans13 Bormann K-H, Wild S, Gellrich N-C, et al. Five-year retrospective study of mandibular fractures in Freiburg, Germany: incidence, etiology, treatment, and complications. J Oral Maxil Surg 2009;67:1251-1255.
  • Referans14 Iizuka T, Lindqvist C. Rigid internal fixation of mandibular fractures: an analysis of 270 fractures treated using the AO/ASIF method. Int J Oral Max Surg 1992;21:65-69.
  • Referans15 Oikarinen K, Ignatius E, Kauppi H, Silvennoinen U. Mandibular fractures in Northern Finland in the 1980s—a 10-year study. Brit J Oral Max Surg 1993;31:23-27.
  • Referans16 Johansson B, Krekmanov L, Thomsson M. Miniplate osteosynthesis of infected mandibular fractures. J Cranio Maxill Surg 1988;16:22-27.
  • Referans17 Sakr K, Farag IA, Zeitoun IM. Review of 509 mandibular fractures treated at the University Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt. Brit J Oral Max Surg 2006;44:107-111.
  • Referans18 Gabrielli MAC, Gabrielli MFR, Marcantonio E, Hochuli-Vieira E. Fixation of mandibular fractures with 2.0-mm miniplates: review of 191 cases. J Oral Maxil Surg 2003;61:430-436.
  • Referans19 Chuong R, Donoff RB, Guralnick WC. A retrospective analysis of 327 mandibular fractures. J Oral Maxil Surg 1983;41:305-309.
  • Referans20 Infante Cossio P, Espin Galvez F, Gutierrez Perez JL, Garcia-Perla A, Hernandez Guisado JM. Mandibular fractures in children. A retrospective study of 99 fractures in 59 patients. Int J Oral Max Surg 1994;23:329-331.
There are 20 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Adnan Kılınç

Ümit Ertaş

Ertan Yalçın

Nesrin Saruhan

Publication Date May 12, 2017
Submission Date May 5, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017



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