Research Article
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Effect of Self-cured Universal Adhesive System on Shear Bond Strengths of Conventional and Bulk-fill Composites

Year 2022, , 271 - 277, 01.10.2022


Effect of Self-cured Universal Adhesive System on Shear Bond Strengths of Conventional and Bulk-fill Composites
1 Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Sivas, Turkey
2 Niğde Oral and Dental Center, Niğde, Turkey
3 Sivas Oral and Dental Center, Sivas, Turkey
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of self-cured universal adhesive system on shear bond strengths of two conventional and two bulk-fill composites to dentin.
Material-method: In this study, four groups were formed: two conventional condensable composites[G-aenial posterior(GC), Palfique Estelite Paste(Tokuyama)], and two bulk-fill composites[Estelite Bulk Fill Flow(Tokuyama), Beautifil Bulk Restorative(Shofu)]. Each group was divided into two subgroups; G-premio bond (control group) ve self-cured Universal Bond (Tokuyama). 32 human third molar human teeth were prepared to expose dentin surfaces. After the preparation, the teeth were randomly divided into 4 main groups and 2 subgroups (n = 8), composites were applied to the surfaces with the help of cylindrical silicone transparent mold with a diameter of 4 mm and a height of 4 mm.
Results: In this study, when both adhesive systems are evaluated; the highest shear bond strength value was Palfique Estelite Paste, while the lowest shear bond strength value was Beautifil Bulk Restorative. While the difference between Palfique Estelite Paste and Estelite bulk-fill flow, Beautifil Bulk Restorative was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05), the difference with G-aenial posterior was not significant (p>0.05). The difference between G-aenial posterior and Beautifil Bulk Restorative was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). When adhesive systems are compared; G-premio bond was found to be higher in all composite groups compared to self-cured Universal Bond, but the difference between them was statistically insignificant (p>0.05).
Conclusion: While conventional composites exhibited high shear bond strengths, bulk-fill composites showed values close to these values. The self-cured adhesive system we used showed near values of shear bond strength to the light-polymerized adhesive system. In terms of bond strength self-cured adhesive systems can be recommended for use in areas where light can be difficult to reach in clinical applications. It is advisable to use self-cured adhesive systems for use in areas where light can be difficult to access in clinical applications.
Keywords: shear bond strength, bulk-fill composites, self-cured adhesive systems
Geleneksel ve Bulk-fill Kompozitlerin Makaslama Bağlanma Dayanımlarına Işıksız Adeziv Sistemin Etkisi
Amaç: Çalışmamızın amacı, iki geleneksel ve iki bulk-fill kompozitlerin dentine makaslama bağlanma dayanımlarına ışıksız adeziv sistemin etkisinin incelenmesidir.
Materyal-metod: Çalışmamızda iki geleneksel kondanse edilebilen kompozit [G-aenial posterior(GC), Palfique Estelite Paste(Tokuyama)], kütlesel yerleştirilebilen iki bulk-fill kompozit [Estelite Bulk Fill Flow(Tokuyama), Beautifil Bulk Restorative(Shofu)] olarak 4 grup oluşturuldu. Her grup iki alt gruba ayrıldı; G-premio bond (Kontrol grubu) ve ışıksız Universal Bond (Tokuyama). 32 adet insan üçüncü molar insan dişi dentin yüzeyleri açığa çıkacak şekilde prepare edildi. Preparasyonun ardından dişler rastgele 4 ana, 2 alt gruba ayrıldı(n=8), yüzeylere 4 mm çapında ve 4 mm yüksekliğindeki silindirik silikon şeffaf kalıp yardımıyla kompozitler uygulandı. Tüm grupların makaslama bağlanma değerleri universal test cihazında ölçüldü, kuvvet birimi ise “newton” (=N) olarak kalibre edildi.
Bulgular: Çalışmamızda her iki adeziv sistem kullanıldığında da, en yüksek makaslama bağlanma dayanım değerini Estelite Paste gösterirken, en düşük makaslama bağlanma dayanım değerini Beautifil Bulk Restorative göstermiştir. Estelite pasteile; Bulk-fill flow ve Beautifil Bulk Restorative arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunurken (P<0,05), G-aenial posterior ile arasındaki fark anlamsız bulunmuştur(P>0,05). G-aenial posterior ile Beautifil Bulk Restorative arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur(P<0,05). Adeziv sistemler kıyaslandığında; tüm kompozit gruplarında G-premio bond, Işıksız Universal Bonda göre daha yüksek bağlanma sağlarken, aralarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamsız bulunmuştur (P>0,05).
Sonuçlar: Geleneksel kompozitler, yüksek makaslama bağlanma dayanımları sergilerken, bulkfill kompozitler bu değerlere yakın değerler göstermiştir. Kullandığımız ışıksız adeziv sistem, ışıkla polimerize edilen adeziv sisteme yakın bağlanma değerleri sergilemiştir. Işıksız adeziv sistemler, klinik kullanımlarda ışığın zor olabileceği bölgelerde bağlanma dayanımı açısından kullanılması önerilebilir.
Anahtar kelimeler: makaslama bağlanma dayanımı, bulkfill kompozitler, ışıksız adezivler


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  • 2. Tekçe N. İn Vitro Bağlanma Dayanım Testleri ile Klinik Çalışmalar Arasındaki İlişki. 2013.
  • 3. ISO, ISO. TS 11405: Dental materials testing of adhesion to tooth structure. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization ISO Central Secretariat, 2003.
  • 4. McDonough WG, Antonucci JM, He J, Shimada Y, Chiang MY, Schumacher GE, Schultheisz CR. A microshear test to measure bond strengths of dentin–polymer interfaces. Biomaterials2002;23(17), 3603-08.
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  • 6. Muñoz MA, Luque I, Hass V, Reis A, Loguercio AD, Bombarda NHC. Immediate bonding properties of universal adhesives to dentine. Journal of dentistry2013;41(5), 404-11.
  • 7. Wagner A, Wendler M, Petschelt A, Belli R, Lohbauer UJ. Bonding performance of universal adhesives in different etching modes.Journal of dentistry2014;42(7), 800-07.
  • 8. Loguercio AD, Muñoz MA, Luque-Martinez I, Hass V, Reis A, Perdigão JJ. Does active application of universal adhesives to enamel in self-etch mode improve their performance? Journal of dentistry2015;43(9), 1060-70.
  • 9. McLean DE, Meyers EJ, Guillory VL, Vandewalle KS. Enamel bond strength of new universal adhesive bonding agents. Operative dentistry2015;40(4), 410-17.
  • 10. Lawson NC, Robles A, Fu C-C, Lin CP, Sawlani K, Burgess JOJ. Two-year clinical trial of a universal adhesive in total-etch and self-etch mode in non-carious cervical lesions. Journal of dentistry2015;43(10), 1229-34.
  • 11. Van Landuyt KL, Snauwaert J, De Munck J, Peumans M, Yoshida Y, Poitevin A, Coutinho E, Suzuki K, Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B. Systematic review of the chemical composition of contemporary dental adhesives. Biomaterials2007;28(26), 3757-85.
  • 12. Van Meerbeek B, Yoshihara K, Yoshida Y, Mine A, De Munck J, Van Landuyt KJ. State of the art of self-etch adhesives. Dental Materials2011;27(1), 17-28.
  • 13. Carvalho RM, Mendonca J, Santiago S, Silveira R, Garcia F, Tay F, Pashley DH.Effects of HEMA/solvent combinations on bond strength to dentin.Journal of dental research2003;82(8), 597-601.
  • 14. Van Meerbeek B, De Munck J, Yoshida Y, Inoue S, Vargas M, Vijay P, Van Landuyt K, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. Adhesion to enamel and dentin: current status and future challenges. Operative dentistry 2003;28(3), 215-35.
  • 15. Van Meerbeek B, Van Landuyt K, De Munck J, Hashimoto M, Peumans M, Lambrechts P, Yoshida Y, Inoue S, Suzuki K. Technique-sensitivity of contemporary adhesives. Dental materials journal2005;24(1), 1-13.
  • 16. Itota T, Carrick TE, Yoshiyama M, McCabe JF. Fluoride release and recharge in giomer, compomer and resin composite. Dental materials2004;20(9), 789-95.
  • 17. Saku S, Kotake H, Scougall-Vilchis RJ, Ohashi S, Hotta M, Horiuchi S, Hamada K, Asaoka K, Tanaka E, Yamamoto K. Antibacterial activity of composite resin with glass-ionomer filler particles. Dental materials journal2010;29(2), 193-98.
  • 18. Murayama R, Furuichi T, Yokokawa M, Takahashi F, Kawamoto R, Takamizawa T, Kurokawa H, Miyazaki M. Ultrasonic investigation of the effect of S-PRG filler-containing coating material on bovine tooth demineralization. Dental materials journal2012;31(6), 954-59.
  • 19. Benetti AR, Havndrup-Pedersen C, Honoré D, Pedersen MK, Pallesen U. Bulk-fill resin composites: polymerization contraction, depth of cure, and gap formation. Operative dentistry 2015;40(2), 190-200.
  • 20. Van Meerbeek B, Perdigao J, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. The clinical performance of adhesives. Journal of dentistry1998;26(1), 1-20.
  • 21. Kwong S, Cheung G, Kei L, Itthagarun A, Smales R, Tay F, Pashley DH. Micro-tensile bond strengths to sclerotic dentin using a self-etching and a total-etching technique. Dental materials2002;18(5), 359-69.
  • 22. Giannini M, Carvalho RM, Martins L, Dias C, Pashley DH. The influence of tubule density and area of solid dentin on bond strength of two adhesive systems to dentin. The journal of adhesive dentistry, 2001.
  • 23. Perinka L, Sano H, Hosoda H. Dentin thickness, hardness, and Ca-concentration vs bond strength of dentin adhesives. Dental materials1992;8(4), 229-33.
  • 24. Sattabanasuk V, Shimada Y, Tagami J. The bond of resin to different dentin surface characteristics. Journal of dentistry2004;29, 333-41.
  • 25.Blatz MB, Sadan A, Kern M. Resin-ceramic bonding: a review of the literature. TheJournal of prostheticdentistry2003;89(3), 268-74.
  • 26. Özyeşil A, Günal Ş, Belli S, Eskitaşcıoğlu GJSDFD. İki farklı bağlanma dayanımı testinin karşılaştırılması (Mikroshear ve Mikrotensile). Selcuk dental journal2009;18(2), 118-21.
  • 27. Melkumyan TV, Kakhkharova DJ, Dadamova AD, Kamilov NK, Siddikova SS, Rakhmatullaeva SI, Masouleh SM. Comparative analysis of in vitro performance of Total-etch and self-etch adhesives.International Journal of Biomedicine2016;6(4), 283-86.
  • 28. Colak H, Ercan E, Hamidi MM. Shear bond strength of bulk-fill and nano-restorative materials to dentin. European journal dentistry2016;10(1), 40-5.
  • 29. Almeida Junior L, Lula ECO, Penha KJS, Correia VS, Magalhaes FAC, Lima DM, Firoozmand LM. Polymerization Shrinkage of Bulk Fill Composites and its Correlation with Bond Strength. Brazilian dental journal2018;29(3), 261-67.
  • 30. Fronza BM, Makishi P, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Sumi Y, Tagami J, Giannini M. Evaluation of bulk-fill systems: microtensile bond strength and non-destructive imaging of marginal adaptation. Brazilian oral research2018;32, e80.
  • 31. De Jesus Tavarez RR, Almeida Junior L, Guara TCG, Ribeiro IS, Maia Filho EM, Firoozmand LM. Shear bond strength of different surface treatments in bulk fill, microhybrid, and nanoparticle repair resins. Clinical cosmetic investigational dentistry2017;9, 61-66.
  • 32. Singla, MG, Relhan, N, Virdi I. Comparative Evaluation of Depth of Cure of Three High Viscosity Bulk Fill Composites versus Conventional Composite: An In Vitro Study. International Journal of ClinicalPreventiveDentistry 2018;14(2), 145-151.
  • 33. Tsujimoto A, Barkmeier WW, Takamizawa T, Latta MA, Miyazaki M. Depth of cure, flexural properties and volumetric shrinkage of low and high viscosity bulk-fill giomers and resin composites. Dental materials journal2017;36(2), 205-13.
  • 34. Katsumata A, Saikaew P, Ting S, Katsumata T, Hoshika T, Sano H, Nishitani Y. Microtensile Bond Strength Bonded to Dentin of a Newly Universal Adhesive. Journal of Oral TissueEngineering2017;15(1), 18-24.
Year 2022, , 271 - 277, 01.10.2022



  • REFERENCES 1. Hara AT, Pimenta LAF, Rodrigues Jr AL. Influence of cross-head speed on resin-dentin shear bond strength. Dental Materials2001;17(2), 165-69.
  • 2. Tekçe N. İn Vitro Bağlanma Dayanım Testleri ile Klinik Çalışmalar Arasındaki İlişki. 2013.
  • 3. ISO, ISO. TS 11405: Dental materials testing of adhesion to tooth structure. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization ISO Central Secretariat, 2003.
  • 4. McDonough WG, Antonucci JM, He J, Shimada Y, Chiang MY, Schumacher GE, Schultheisz CR. A microshear test to measure bond strengths of dentin–polymer interfaces. Biomaterials2002;23(17), 3603-08.
  • 5. Lassila LV, Tezvergil A, Dyer SR, Vallittu PKJJop. The bond strength of particulate‐filler composite to differently oriented fiber‐reinforced composite substrate. Journal of prosthodontics2007;16(1), 10-17.
  • 6. Muñoz MA, Luque I, Hass V, Reis A, Loguercio AD, Bombarda NHC. Immediate bonding properties of universal adhesives to dentine. Journal of dentistry2013;41(5), 404-11.
  • 7. Wagner A, Wendler M, Petschelt A, Belli R, Lohbauer UJ. Bonding performance of universal adhesives in different etching modes.Journal of dentistry2014;42(7), 800-07.
  • 8. Loguercio AD, Muñoz MA, Luque-Martinez I, Hass V, Reis A, Perdigão JJ. Does active application of universal adhesives to enamel in self-etch mode improve their performance? Journal of dentistry2015;43(9), 1060-70.
  • 9. McLean DE, Meyers EJ, Guillory VL, Vandewalle KS. Enamel bond strength of new universal adhesive bonding agents. Operative dentistry2015;40(4), 410-17.
  • 10. Lawson NC, Robles A, Fu C-C, Lin CP, Sawlani K, Burgess JOJ. Two-year clinical trial of a universal adhesive in total-etch and self-etch mode in non-carious cervical lesions. Journal of dentistry2015;43(10), 1229-34.
  • 11. Van Landuyt KL, Snauwaert J, De Munck J, Peumans M, Yoshida Y, Poitevin A, Coutinho E, Suzuki K, Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B. Systematic review of the chemical composition of contemporary dental adhesives. Biomaterials2007;28(26), 3757-85.
  • 12. Van Meerbeek B, Yoshihara K, Yoshida Y, Mine A, De Munck J, Van Landuyt KJ. State of the art of self-etch adhesives. Dental Materials2011;27(1), 17-28.
  • 13. Carvalho RM, Mendonca J, Santiago S, Silveira R, Garcia F, Tay F, Pashley DH.Effects of HEMA/solvent combinations on bond strength to dentin.Journal of dental research2003;82(8), 597-601.
  • 14. Van Meerbeek B, De Munck J, Yoshida Y, Inoue S, Vargas M, Vijay P, Van Landuyt K, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. Adhesion to enamel and dentin: current status and future challenges. Operative dentistry 2003;28(3), 215-35.
  • 15. Van Meerbeek B, Van Landuyt K, De Munck J, Hashimoto M, Peumans M, Lambrechts P, Yoshida Y, Inoue S, Suzuki K. Technique-sensitivity of contemporary adhesives. Dental materials journal2005;24(1), 1-13.
  • 16. Itota T, Carrick TE, Yoshiyama M, McCabe JF. Fluoride release and recharge in giomer, compomer and resin composite. Dental materials2004;20(9), 789-95.
  • 17. Saku S, Kotake H, Scougall-Vilchis RJ, Ohashi S, Hotta M, Horiuchi S, Hamada K, Asaoka K, Tanaka E, Yamamoto K. Antibacterial activity of composite resin with glass-ionomer filler particles. Dental materials journal2010;29(2), 193-98.
  • 18. Murayama R, Furuichi T, Yokokawa M, Takahashi F, Kawamoto R, Takamizawa T, Kurokawa H, Miyazaki M. Ultrasonic investigation of the effect of S-PRG filler-containing coating material on bovine tooth demineralization. Dental materials journal2012;31(6), 954-59.
  • 19. Benetti AR, Havndrup-Pedersen C, Honoré D, Pedersen MK, Pallesen U. Bulk-fill resin composites: polymerization contraction, depth of cure, and gap formation. Operative dentistry 2015;40(2), 190-200.
  • 20. Van Meerbeek B, Perdigao J, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. The clinical performance of adhesives. Journal of dentistry1998;26(1), 1-20.
  • 21. Kwong S, Cheung G, Kei L, Itthagarun A, Smales R, Tay F, Pashley DH. Micro-tensile bond strengths to sclerotic dentin using a self-etching and a total-etching technique. Dental materials2002;18(5), 359-69.
  • 22. Giannini M, Carvalho RM, Martins L, Dias C, Pashley DH. The influence of tubule density and area of solid dentin on bond strength of two adhesive systems to dentin. The journal of adhesive dentistry, 2001.
  • 23. Perinka L, Sano H, Hosoda H. Dentin thickness, hardness, and Ca-concentration vs bond strength of dentin adhesives. Dental materials1992;8(4), 229-33.
  • 24. Sattabanasuk V, Shimada Y, Tagami J. The bond of resin to different dentin surface characteristics. Journal of dentistry2004;29, 333-41.
  • 25.Blatz MB, Sadan A, Kern M. Resin-ceramic bonding: a review of the literature. TheJournal of prostheticdentistry2003;89(3), 268-74.
  • 26. Özyeşil A, Günal Ş, Belli S, Eskitaşcıoğlu GJSDFD. İki farklı bağlanma dayanımı testinin karşılaştırılması (Mikroshear ve Mikrotensile). Selcuk dental journal2009;18(2), 118-21.
  • 27. Melkumyan TV, Kakhkharova DJ, Dadamova AD, Kamilov NK, Siddikova SS, Rakhmatullaeva SI, Masouleh SM. Comparative analysis of in vitro performance of Total-etch and self-etch adhesives.International Journal of Biomedicine2016;6(4), 283-86.
  • 28. Colak H, Ercan E, Hamidi MM. Shear bond strength of bulk-fill and nano-restorative materials to dentin. European journal dentistry2016;10(1), 40-5.
  • 29. Almeida Junior L, Lula ECO, Penha KJS, Correia VS, Magalhaes FAC, Lima DM, Firoozmand LM. Polymerization Shrinkage of Bulk Fill Composites and its Correlation with Bond Strength. Brazilian dental journal2018;29(3), 261-67.
  • 30. Fronza BM, Makishi P, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Sumi Y, Tagami J, Giannini M. Evaluation of bulk-fill systems: microtensile bond strength and non-destructive imaging of marginal adaptation. Brazilian oral research2018;32, e80.
  • 31. De Jesus Tavarez RR, Almeida Junior L, Guara TCG, Ribeiro IS, Maia Filho EM, Firoozmand LM. Shear bond strength of different surface treatments in bulk fill, microhybrid, and nanoparticle repair resins. Clinical cosmetic investigational dentistry2017;9, 61-66.
  • 32. Singla, MG, Relhan, N, Virdi I. Comparative Evaluation of Depth of Cure of Three High Viscosity Bulk Fill Composites versus Conventional Composite: An In Vitro Study. International Journal of ClinicalPreventiveDentistry 2018;14(2), 145-151.
  • 33. Tsujimoto A, Barkmeier WW, Takamizawa T, Latta MA, Miyazaki M. Depth of cure, flexural properties and volumetric shrinkage of low and high viscosity bulk-fill giomers and resin composites. Dental materials journal2017;36(2), 205-13.
  • 34. Katsumata A, Saikaew P, Ting S, Katsumata T, Hoshika T, Sano H, Nishitani Y. Microtensile Bond Strength Bonded to Dentin of a Newly Universal Adhesive. Journal of Oral TissueEngineering2017;15(1), 18-24.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research Articles

İhsan Hubbezoğlu 0000-0001-8984-9286

Serra Kutlu 0000-0001-5127-0885

Ayşegül Karaarslan 0000-0002-3265-1823

Publication Date October 1, 2022
Submission Date August 11, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


EndNote Hubbezoğlu İ, Kutlu S, Karaarslan A (October 1, 2022) Effect of Self-cured Universal Adhesive System on Shear Bond Strengths of Conventional and Bulk-fill Composites. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal 25 3 271–277.

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