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Yıl 2014, , 223 - 234, 06.08.2014


Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the root canal morphology of mandibular molars using cone beam computed tomography images of individuals living in the East of Turkey.Materials and Methods: The tomographic images of a total 183 patients attending the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Department and clinical records were taken between 2011-2013 years were evaluated and clinical records. Root and canal diversities were classified according to the methods created by Vertucci and Gulabivala et al.Results: 173 first molar and 235  second molar teeth were examined among evaluated 155 patients. While the majority of the molar teeth had two separate roots (94.2% of the first molars, second molars 81.7%), three separate roots in first molars and second molars were found respectively 4.6% and 2.1%. Mesial roots of first molars with two separate roots showed type 4 canal configuration rate of 72.4%, whereas distal roots showed type 1 canal configuration rate of 69.3%. The Mesial root of the first molar teeth with three canals showed type 2 canal configuration (62.5%), the distal roots showed completely type 1 canal configuration (100%). The rate of 36% for type 4 canal configuration was detected in mesial roots and the rate of 95.8% for type 1 canal configuration was detected in distal roots of second molars with two canals. Type 1 canal configuration was most prevalent in the three rooted molars.Conclusions: While, two separate roots were most prevalent in each of two teeth groups, three separate roots were seen less frequent. Type 1 canal configuration was most prevalent in the distal roots, whereas the mesial roots had more complex root canal morphology and showed mostly type 4 canal configuration


  • Al-Qudah AA, Awawdeh LA. Root and canal morphology of mandibular first and second molar teeth in a Jordanian population. Int Endod J 2009; 42: 775-784.
  • Vertucci FJ. Root canal morphology and its relationship to endodontic procedures. Endod Topics 2005; 10: 3-29.
  • Ahmed HA, Abu-bakr NH, Yahia NA, Ibrahim YE. Root and canal morphology of permanent mandibular molars in a Sudanese population. Int Endod J 2007; 40: 766-771.
  • Patel K, Darbar UR, Gulabivala K. External cervical resorption associated with localized gingival overgrowth. Int Endod J 2002; 35: 395-402.
  • Zhang R, Wang H, Tian YY, Yu X, Hu T, Dummer PMH. Use of cone-beam computed tomography to evaluate root and canal morphology of mandibular molars in Chinese individuals. Int Endod J 2011; 44: 990-999.
  • Sert S, Bayirli GS. Evaluation of the root canal configurations of the mandibular and maxillary permanent teeth by gender in the Turkish population. J Endod 2004; 30: 391-398.
  • De Moor RJ, Deroose CA, Calberson FL. The radix entomolaris in mandibular first molars: an endodontic challenge. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 789-799.
  • Calberson FL, De Moor RJ, Deroose CA. The radix entomolaris and paramolaris: clinical approach in endodontics. J Endod 2007; 33: 58-63.
  • Song JS, Choi HJ, Jung IY, Jung HS, Kim SO. The prevalence and morphologic classification of distolingual roots in the mandibular molars in a Korean population. J Endod 2010; 36: 653-657.
  • Abella F, Mercade M, Duran-Sindreu F, Roig M. Managing severe curvature of radix entomolaris: three-dimensional analysis with cone beam computed tomography. Int Endod J 2011; 44: 876-885.
  • Zhang R, Wang H, Tian YY, Yu X, Hu T, Dummer PM. Use of cone-beam computed tomography to evaluate root and canal morphology of mandibular molars in Chinese individuals. Int Endod J 2011; 44: 990-999.
  • Jafarzadeh H, Wu YN. The C-shaped root canal configuration: a review. J Endod 2007; 33: 517-523.
  • Weine FS, Pasiewicz RA, Rice RT. Canal configuration of the mandibular second molar using a clinically oriented in vitro method. J Endod 1988; 14: 207-213.
  • Cooke HG, 3rd, Cox FL. C-shaped canal configurations in mandibular molars. J Am Dent Assoc 1979; 99: 836-839.
  • Jin GC, Lee SJ, Roh BD. Anatomical study of C-shaped canals in mandibular second molars by analysis of computed tomography. J Endod 2006; 32: 10-13.
  • Zheng Q, Zhang L, Zhou X, Wang Q, Wang Y, Tang L, et al. C-shaped root canal system in mandibular second molars in a Chinese population evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography. Int Endod J 2011; 44: 857-862.
  • Seo MS, Park DS. C-shaped root canals of mandibular second molars in a Korean population: clinical observation and in vitro analysis. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 139-144.
  • Mayo CV, Montgomery S, de Rio C. A computerized method for evaluating root canal morphology. J Endod 1986; 12: 2-7.
  • Gulabivala K, Aung TH, Alavi A, Ng YL. Root and canal morphology of Burmese mandibular molars. Int Endod J 2001; 34: 359-370.
  • Omer OE, Al Shalabi RM, Jennings M, Glennon J, Claffey NM. A comparison between clearing and radiographic techniques in the study of the root-canal anatomy of maxillary first and second molars. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 291-296.
  • Skidmore AE, Bjorndal AM. Root canal morphology of the human mandibular first molar. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1971; 32: 778-784.
  • Pecora JD, Woelfel JB, Sousa Neto MD. Morphologic study of the maxillary molars. 1. External anatomy. Braz Dent J 1991; 2: 45-50.
  • Kottoor J, Nandini S, Velmurugan N. Maxillary first molar with three buccal roots evaluated with cone-beam computed tomography: a rare case report. Gen Dent 2012; 60: e404-407.
  • Kim Y, Lee SJ, Woo J. Morphology of maxillary first and second molars analyzed by cone-beam computed tomography in a korean population: variations in the number of roots and canals and the incidence of fusion. J Endod 2012; 38: 1063-1068.
  • Vertucci FJ, Williams RG. Root canal anatomy of the mandibular first molar. J N J Dent Assoc 1974 Spring; 45: 27-28 passim.
  • de Pablo OV, Estevez R, Peix Sanchez M, Heilborn C, Cohenca N. Root anatomy and canal configuration of the permanent mandibular first molar: a systematic review. J Endod 2010; 36: 1919-1931.
  • Miloglu O, Arslan H, Barutcigil C, Cantekin K. Evaluating root and canal configuration of mandibular first molars with cone beam computed tomography in a Turkish population. J Dent Sci 2013; 8: 80-86.
  • Demirbuga S, Sekerci A, Dinçer A, Cayabatmaz M, Zorba Y. Use of cone-beam computed tomography to evaluate root and canal morphology of mandibular first and second molars in Turkish individuals. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2013;18(4):737-744.
  • Silva EJ, Nejaim Y, Silva AV, Haiter-Neto F, Cohenca N. Evaluation of root canal configuration of mandibular molars in a Brazilian population by using cone-beam computed tomography: an in vivo study. J Endod 2013; 39: 849-852.
  • Chen G, Yao H, Tong C. Investigation of the root canal configuration of mandibular first molars in a Taiwan Chinese population. Int Endod J 2009; 42: 1044-1049.
  • Neelakantan P, Subbarao C, Subbarao CV, Ravindranath M. Root and canal morphology of mandibular second molars in an Indian population. J Endod 2010; 36: 1319-1322.
  • Gulabivala K, Opasanon A, Ng YL, Alavi A. Root and canal morphology of Thai mandibular molars. Int Endod J 2002; 35: 56-62.
  • Er K, Akpınar KE. Anatomik düzensizliklere sahip dişlerde kök kanal tedavisi (3 olgu nedeniyle). Cumhuriyet Dent J 2002; 5: 26-30.
  • Caliskan MK, Pehlivan Y, Sepetcioglu F, Turkun M, Tuncer SS. Root canal morphology of human permanent teeth in a Turkish population.J Endod 1995; 21: 200-204.

Türkiye’nin doğu bölgesi nüfusundaki mandibular molar dişlerin kök ve kanal yapılarının konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi ile değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2014, , 223 - 234, 06.08.2014


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’nin Doğu bölgesinde yaşayan bireylerdeki mandibular molar dişlerin kök ve kanal yapılarının konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi görüntüleri kullanılarak incelenmesidir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: 2011-2013 yılları arasında Ağız, diş ve çene radyolojisi kliniğine başvuran ve klinik kayıtları alınan toplam 183 hastanın tomografik görüntüleri değerlendirildi. Kök ve kanal çeşitlilikleri Vertucci ve Gulabivala ve arkadaşlarının oluşturdukları metoda göre sınıflandırıldı.

Bulgular: Değerlendirmeye alınan 155 hastada, 173 tane birinci molar diş, 235 tane ikinci molar diş incelendi. Molar dişlerin büyük çoğunluğu iki ayrı köke (%94.2 birinci molar, %81.7 ikinci molar) sahipken, üç ayrı kök birinci molar dişlerde %4.6 oranında, ikinci molar dişte %2.1 oranında tespit edildi. İki köklü birinci molar dişlerin mezial kökleri %72.4 oranında tip 4 kanal yapısı gösterirken, distal kökleri %69.3 oranında tip 1 kanal yapısı gösterdi. Üç kanala sahip birinci molar dişlerde mezial kök daha çok (%62.5) tip 2 kanal yapısı gösterirken, distal kökler ise tamamen (%100) tip 1 kanal yapısı gösterdi.  İki kanallı ikinci molar dişlerde mezial köklerde %36 oranında tip 4, distal kanalda ise %95.8 oranında tip 1 kanal yapısı tespit edildi. Üç köklü olanlarında ise daha çok tip 1 kanal şekli mevcuttu.

Sonuç: Her iki diş grubunda da çoğunlukla ikiye ayrılmış kök yapısı mevcutken, üç ayrı kök daha az sıklıkla görülmektedir. Distal köklerde tip 1 kök kanal yapısı daha yaygın izlenirken; mezial kökler daha karmaşık ve çoğunlukla tip 4 kök kanal yapısı göstermektedir.


  • Al-Qudah AA, Awawdeh LA. Root and canal morphology of mandibular first and second molar teeth in a Jordanian population. Int Endod J 2009; 42: 775-784.
  • Vertucci FJ. Root canal morphology and its relationship to endodontic procedures. Endod Topics 2005; 10: 3-29.
  • Ahmed HA, Abu-bakr NH, Yahia NA, Ibrahim YE. Root and canal morphology of permanent mandibular molars in a Sudanese population. Int Endod J 2007; 40: 766-771.
  • Patel K, Darbar UR, Gulabivala K. External cervical resorption associated with localized gingival overgrowth. Int Endod J 2002; 35: 395-402.
  • Zhang R, Wang H, Tian YY, Yu X, Hu T, Dummer PMH. Use of cone-beam computed tomography to evaluate root and canal morphology of mandibular molars in Chinese individuals. Int Endod J 2011; 44: 990-999.
  • Sert S, Bayirli GS. Evaluation of the root canal configurations of the mandibular and maxillary permanent teeth by gender in the Turkish population. J Endod 2004; 30: 391-398.
  • De Moor RJ, Deroose CA, Calberson FL. The radix entomolaris in mandibular first molars: an endodontic challenge. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 789-799.
  • Calberson FL, De Moor RJ, Deroose CA. The radix entomolaris and paramolaris: clinical approach in endodontics. J Endod 2007; 33: 58-63.
  • Song JS, Choi HJ, Jung IY, Jung HS, Kim SO. The prevalence and morphologic classification of distolingual roots in the mandibular molars in a Korean population. J Endod 2010; 36: 653-657.
  • Abella F, Mercade M, Duran-Sindreu F, Roig M. Managing severe curvature of radix entomolaris: three-dimensional analysis with cone beam computed tomography. Int Endod J 2011; 44: 876-885.
  • Zhang R, Wang H, Tian YY, Yu X, Hu T, Dummer PM. Use of cone-beam computed tomography to evaluate root and canal morphology of mandibular molars in Chinese individuals. Int Endod J 2011; 44: 990-999.
  • Jafarzadeh H, Wu YN. The C-shaped root canal configuration: a review. J Endod 2007; 33: 517-523.
  • Weine FS, Pasiewicz RA, Rice RT. Canal configuration of the mandibular second molar using a clinically oriented in vitro method. J Endod 1988; 14: 207-213.
  • Cooke HG, 3rd, Cox FL. C-shaped canal configurations in mandibular molars. J Am Dent Assoc 1979; 99: 836-839.
  • Jin GC, Lee SJ, Roh BD. Anatomical study of C-shaped canals in mandibular second molars by analysis of computed tomography. J Endod 2006; 32: 10-13.
  • Zheng Q, Zhang L, Zhou X, Wang Q, Wang Y, Tang L, et al. C-shaped root canal system in mandibular second molars in a Chinese population evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography. Int Endod J 2011; 44: 857-862.
  • Seo MS, Park DS. C-shaped root canals of mandibular second molars in a Korean population: clinical observation and in vitro analysis. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 139-144.
  • Mayo CV, Montgomery S, de Rio C. A computerized method for evaluating root canal morphology. J Endod 1986; 12: 2-7.
  • Gulabivala K, Aung TH, Alavi A, Ng YL. Root and canal morphology of Burmese mandibular molars. Int Endod J 2001; 34: 359-370.
  • Omer OE, Al Shalabi RM, Jennings M, Glennon J, Claffey NM. A comparison between clearing and radiographic techniques in the study of the root-canal anatomy of maxillary first and second molars. Int Endod J 2004; 37: 291-296.
  • Skidmore AE, Bjorndal AM. Root canal morphology of the human mandibular first molar. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1971; 32: 778-784.
  • Pecora JD, Woelfel JB, Sousa Neto MD. Morphologic study of the maxillary molars. 1. External anatomy. Braz Dent J 1991; 2: 45-50.
  • Kottoor J, Nandini S, Velmurugan N. Maxillary first molar with three buccal roots evaluated with cone-beam computed tomography: a rare case report. Gen Dent 2012; 60: e404-407.
  • Kim Y, Lee SJ, Woo J. Morphology of maxillary first and second molars analyzed by cone-beam computed tomography in a korean population: variations in the number of roots and canals and the incidence of fusion. J Endod 2012; 38: 1063-1068.
  • Vertucci FJ, Williams RG. Root canal anatomy of the mandibular first molar. J N J Dent Assoc 1974 Spring; 45: 27-28 passim.
  • de Pablo OV, Estevez R, Peix Sanchez M, Heilborn C, Cohenca N. Root anatomy and canal configuration of the permanent mandibular first molar: a systematic review. J Endod 2010; 36: 1919-1931.
  • Miloglu O, Arslan H, Barutcigil C, Cantekin K. Evaluating root and canal configuration of mandibular first molars with cone beam computed tomography in a Turkish population. J Dent Sci 2013; 8: 80-86.
  • Demirbuga S, Sekerci A, Dinçer A, Cayabatmaz M, Zorba Y. Use of cone-beam computed tomography to evaluate root and canal morphology of mandibular first and second molars in Turkish individuals. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2013;18(4):737-744.
  • Silva EJ, Nejaim Y, Silva AV, Haiter-Neto F, Cohenca N. Evaluation of root canal configuration of mandibular molars in a Brazilian population by using cone-beam computed tomography: an in vivo study. J Endod 2013; 39: 849-852.
  • Chen G, Yao H, Tong C. Investigation of the root canal configuration of mandibular first molars in a Taiwan Chinese population. Int Endod J 2009; 42: 1044-1049.
  • Neelakantan P, Subbarao C, Subbarao CV, Ravindranath M. Root and canal morphology of mandibular second molars in an Indian population. J Endod 2010; 36: 1319-1322.
  • Gulabivala K, Opasanon A, Ng YL, Alavi A. Root and canal morphology of Thai mandibular molars. Int Endod J 2002; 35: 56-62.
  • Er K, Akpınar KE. Anatomik düzensizliklere sahip dişlerde kök kanal tedavisi (3 olgu nedeniyle). Cumhuriyet Dent J 2002; 5: 26-30.
  • Caliskan MK, Pehlivan Y, Sepetcioglu F, Turkun M, Tuncer SS. Root canal morphology of human permanent teeth in a Turkish population.J Endod 1995; 21: 200-204.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Original Research Articles

Fuat Ahmetoğlu

Oğuzhan Altun

Neslihan Şimşek

M.sinan Ocak

Numan Dedeoğlu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Ağustos 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ekim 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Ahmetoğlu F, Altun O, Şimşek N, Ocak M, Dedeoğlu N (01 Ağustos 2014) Türkiye’nin doğu bölgesi nüfusundaki mandibular molar dişlerin kök ve kanal yapılarının konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi ile değerlendirilmesi. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal 17 3 223–234.

Cumhuriyet Dental Journal (Cumhuriyet Dent J, CDJ) is the official publication of Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry. CDJ is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of dentistry. The aim of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of dentistry. First issue of the Journal of Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry was published in 1998. In 2010, journal's name was changed as Cumhuriyet Dental Journal. Journal’s publication language is English.

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