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Farklı irrigasyon tekniklerinin kalsiyum hidroksit uzaklaştırma etkinliğinin Bilgisayarlı Sıvı Filtrasyon methodu kullanılarak mikrosızıntılarının değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2022, , 252 - 257, 01.10.2022


Amaç: Alt çene ikinci premolar dişlere yerleştirilen saf kalsiyum hidroksit ile enjektabl kalsiyum hidroksiti kök kanallarından uzaklaştırmak amacıyla kullanılan geleneksel şırınga yıkaması, sonik irrigasyon ve pasif ultrasonik irrigasyonun etkinliğinin kök kanal dolgusunun içerisinde kalma ihtimali olan kalsiyum hidroksit artıklarının yaratabileceği mikrosızıntının Bilgisayarlı sıvı Filtrasyon Cihazı ile ölçülerek kıyaslanmasıdır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Seksen adet şekillendirilmiş mandibular ikinci premolar dişler, kalsiyum hidroksitin kök kanallarından uzaklaştırılması için kullanılan yıkama yöntemine göre üç deney grubu ve kalsiyum hidroksit medikamenti kullanılmamış olmak üzere bir kontrol grubu olacak şekilde kategorize edilmiştir. Her deney grubu ise kalsiyum hidroksit taşıyıcılarına (distile su ve propilen glikol) göre iki adet alt gruptan oluşmaktadır. Kalsiyum hidroksit kök kanallarından 1 hafta sonra uzaklaştırılmış ve örneklerin kanal dolguları yapılmıştır. Kanal dolgusundan 1 hafta sonra Bilgisayarlı Sıvı Filtrasyon cihazı ile diş köklerinin apikal sızıntı değerleri ölçülmüştür. Normal dağılım göstermeyen (nonparametrik) değişkenler iki grup arasında değerlendirilirken Mann Whitney U Testi, ikiden fazla grup arasında değerlendirilirken Kruskal Wallis Testi kullanılmıştır (p<0.05).
Bulgular: Tüm deney grupları, kontrol grubuna göre daha fazla miktarda sızıntı değeri göstermiştir. En yüksek sızıntı değerleri geleneksel şırınga ile yıkama grubuna ait örneklerde görülürken, en düşük sızıntı değerli gösteren örnekler sonik (EDDY) irrigasyon grubuna ait örneklerdir. Kalsiyum hidroksitin farklı taşıyıcılarla karıştırılmasının sızıntı değerlerine bakıldığında istatiksel olarak anlamlılık göstermediği belirlenmiştir.
Sonuç: İncelenen irrigasyon yöntemlerinden hiçbiri kök kanallarından kalsiyum hidroksiti tamamen uzaklaştıramamıştır, bu da deney gruplarında daha yüksek sızıntı değerleri görülmesine neden olmuştur. EDDY ile yapılan sonik aktivasyonun kök kanallarından kalsiyum hidroksiti uzaklaştırmak için en etkili yöntem olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Byström A, Sundqvist G. Bacteriologic evaluation of the efficacy of mechanical root canal instrumentation in endodontic therapy. Scand J Dent Res 1981;89:321-328.
  • Waltimo T, Trope M, Haapasalo M, Ørstavik D. Clinical efficacy of treatment procedures in endodontic infection control and one year follow-up of periapical healing. J Endod 2005;31:863-866.
  • Ricucci D, Siqueira JFJ. Biofilms and apical periodontitis: study of prevalence and association with clinical and histopathologic findings. J Endod 2010;36:1277-1288.
  • Buldur B, Kapdan A. Comparison of the EndoVac system and conventional needle irrigation on removal of the smear layer in primary molar root canals. Niger J Clin Pract 2017;20:1168-1174.
  • Hulsmann M, Peters OA, Dummer PMH. Mechanical preparation of root canals: shaping goals, techniques and means. Endod Top 2005;10:30-76.
  • Siqueira JF, Lopes HP. Mechanisms of antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide: a critical review. Int Endod J 1999;32:361-369.
  • McGurkin-Smith R, Trope M, Caplan D, Sigurdsson A. Reduction of intracanal bacteria using GT rotary instrumentation, 5.25% NaOCl, EDTA, and Ca(OH)2. J Endod 2005;31:359-363.
  • Lee M, Winkler J, Hartwell G, Stewart J, Caine R. Current trends in endodontic practice: emergency treatments and technological armamentarium. J Endod 2009;35:35-39.
  • Fava LRG, Saunders WP. Calcium hydroxide pastes: classification and clinical indications. Int Endod J 1999;32:257-282.
  • Rödig T, Vogel S, Zapf A, Hülsmann M. Efficacy of different irrigants in the removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. Int Endod J 2010;43:519-527.
  • Lambrianidis T, Margelos J, Beltes P. Removal efficiency of calcium hydroxide dressing from the root canal. J Endod 1999;25:85-88.
  • Margelos J, Eliades G, Verdelis C, Palaghias G. Interaction of calcium hydroxide with zinc oxide-eugenol type sealers: a potential clinical problem. J Endod 1997;23:43-48.
  • Contardo L, De Luca M, Bevilacqua L, Breschi L, Di Lenarda R. Influence of calcium hydroxide debris on the quality of endodontic apical seal. Minerva Stomatol 2007;56:509-517.
  • Kim SK, Kim YO. Influence of calcium hydroxide intracanal medication on apical seal. Int Endod J 2002;35:623-628.
  • Munoz HR, Camacho-Cuadra K. In vivo efficacy of three different endodontic irrigation systems for irrigant delivery to working length of mesial canals of mandibular molars. J Endod 2012;38:445-448.
  • Donnermeyer D, Wyrsch H, Bürklein S, Schäfer E. Removal of Calcium Hydroxide from Artificial Grooves in Straight Root Canals: Sonic Activation Using EDDY Versus Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation and XPendo Finisher. J Endod. 2019;45(3):322-326.
  • Nasab Mobarakeh NM, Taheri A, Rahmanian H, Jafarpour D, Rahmanian S. Effect of Various Irrigating Devices on the Removal of Two Different Forms of Calcium Hydroxide from Internal Resorption Cavities. Int J Dent. 2020;2020:8881177.
  • Urban K, Donnermeyer D, Schäfer E, Bürklein S. Canal cleanliness using different irrigation activation systems: a SEM evaluation. Clin Oral Investig 2017;21:2681-2687.
  • Brown RC, Jackson CR, Skidmore AE. An evaluation of apical leakage of a glass ionomer root canal sealer. J Endod 1994;20:288 –91
  • Barthel CR, Moshonov J, Shuping G, Orstavik D. Bacterial leakage versus dye leakage in obturated root canals. Int Endod J. 1999;32(5):370-375.
  • Haïkel Y, Wittenmeyer W, Bateman G, Bentaleb A, Allemann C. A new method for the quantitative analysis of endodontic microleakage. J Endod. 1999;25(3):172-177.
  • Martell B, Chandler NP. Electrical and dye leakage comparison of three root-end restorative materials. Quintessence Int. 2002;33(1):30-34.
  • Mannocci F, Innocenti M, Bertelli E, Ferrari M. Dye leakage and SEM study of roots obturated with Thermafill and dentin bonding agent. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1999;15(2):60-64.
  • Oruçoğlu H, Sengun A, Yilmaz N. Apical leakage of resin based root canal sealers with a new computerized fluid filtration meter. J Endod 2005;31:886-890.
  • Lambrianidis T, Kosti E, Boutsioukis C, Mazinis M. Removal efficacy of various calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine medicaments from the root canal. Int Endod J 2006;39:55-61.
  • Van Der Sluis LWM, Wu MK, Wesselink PR. The evaluation of removal of calcium hydroxide paste from an artificial standardized groove in the apical root canal using different irrigation methodologies. Int Endod J 2007;40:52-57.
  • Balvedi RP, Versiani MA, Manna FF, Biffi JC. A comparison of two techniques for the removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. Int Endod J. 2010;43(9):763-768.
  • Doganay Yildiz E, Durna Yurtseven F, Hancerliogullari D. Efficacy of various laser-assisted ırrigation activation techniques on calcium hydroxide removal. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni 2021; 31: 556-62.
  • Bayram HM, Saklar F, Bayram E, Orucoglu H, Bozkurt A. Determination of the apical sealing abilities of mineral trioxide aggregate, portland cement, and bioaggregate after irrigation with different solutions.JIntOralHeal 2015;7:1317.
  • Pabel AK, Hülsmann M. Comparison of different techniques for removal of calcium hydroxide from straight root canals: an in vitro study. Odontology 2017;105:453-459.
  • Sokhi RR, Margasahayam SV, Shenoy VU, Bodhwani MA. Effect of calcium hydroxide based intracanal medicaments on the apical sealing ability of resin based sealer and guttapercha obturated root canals. J Clin Diagnostic Res 2017;11:ZC75-ZC79.
  • Conde AJ, Estevez R, Loroño G, Valencia de Pablo, Rossi-Fedele G, Cisneros R. Effect of sonic and ultrasonic activation on organic tissue dissolution from simulated grooves in root canals using sodium hypochlorite and EDTA. Int Endod J 2017;50:976-982.
  • Topçuoğlu HS, Düzgün S, Ceyhanli KT, Akti A, Pala K, Kesim B. Efficacy of different irrigation techniques in the removal of calcium hydroxide from a simulated internal root resorption cavity. Int Endod J 2015;48:309-316.
  • Capar ID, Ozcan E, Arslan H. Effect of different final irrigation methods on the removal of calcium hydroxide from an artificial standardized groove in the apical third of root canals. J Endod 2014;40:451-454.
  • Keskin C, Sariyilmaz E, Sariyilmaz Ö. Efficacy of XP-endo finisher file in removing calcium hydroxide from simulated internal resorption cavity. J Endod 2017;43:126-130.
  • Jiang LM, Verhaagen B, Versluis M, Van Der Sluis LWM. Influence of the oscillation direction of an ultrasonic file on the cleaning efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation. J Endod 2010;36:1372-1376.

Evaluation of calcium hydroxide removal efficiency of different irrigation techniques by microleakage assessment using Computerized Liquid Filtration method

Yıl 2022, , 252 - 257, 01.10.2022


Aim: To compare the efficiency of sonic irrigation, passive ultrasonic irrigation, and conventional syringe irrigation (CI) in removing pure and injectable calcium hydroxide (CH) from the root canals of mandibular second premolars by measuring the probable microleakage of residual CH particles in root canal obturation using computerized liquid filtration (CLF).
Materials and Methods: Eighty instrumented mandibular second premolars were categorized into three experimental groups (n = 20 each) based on the irrigation method used for removing CH and a control group (n = 20) in which CH was not used. Each experimental group was divided into two equal groups (pure and injectable CH). After 1 week, CH was removed from the root canals, and the teeth were obturated. CLF measurements were performed 1 week after obturation. Nonparametric variables between two groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare more than two groups. The significance level was set at p < 0.05.
Results: All experimental groups showed higher leakage values than the control group. The highest leakage values were evident in the CI group, and the lowest leakage values were found in the sonic (EDDY) irrigation group. No significant differences were detected among the different forms of CH.
Conclusions: None of the analyzed techniques could completely remove CH from root canals, resulting in higher leakage values. Sonic irrigation with EDDY was the best in removing CH from root canals.


  • Byström A, Sundqvist G. Bacteriologic evaluation of the efficacy of mechanical root canal instrumentation in endodontic therapy. Scand J Dent Res 1981;89:321-328.
  • Waltimo T, Trope M, Haapasalo M, Ørstavik D. Clinical efficacy of treatment procedures in endodontic infection control and one year follow-up of periapical healing. J Endod 2005;31:863-866.
  • Ricucci D, Siqueira JFJ. Biofilms and apical periodontitis: study of prevalence and association with clinical and histopathologic findings. J Endod 2010;36:1277-1288.
  • Buldur B, Kapdan A. Comparison of the EndoVac system and conventional needle irrigation on removal of the smear layer in primary molar root canals. Niger J Clin Pract 2017;20:1168-1174.
  • Hulsmann M, Peters OA, Dummer PMH. Mechanical preparation of root canals: shaping goals, techniques and means. Endod Top 2005;10:30-76.
  • Siqueira JF, Lopes HP. Mechanisms of antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide: a critical review. Int Endod J 1999;32:361-369.
  • McGurkin-Smith R, Trope M, Caplan D, Sigurdsson A. Reduction of intracanal bacteria using GT rotary instrumentation, 5.25% NaOCl, EDTA, and Ca(OH)2. J Endod 2005;31:359-363.
  • Lee M, Winkler J, Hartwell G, Stewart J, Caine R. Current trends in endodontic practice: emergency treatments and technological armamentarium. J Endod 2009;35:35-39.
  • Fava LRG, Saunders WP. Calcium hydroxide pastes: classification and clinical indications. Int Endod J 1999;32:257-282.
  • Rödig T, Vogel S, Zapf A, Hülsmann M. Efficacy of different irrigants in the removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. Int Endod J 2010;43:519-527.
  • Lambrianidis T, Margelos J, Beltes P. Removal efficiency of calcium hydroxide dressing from the root canal. J Endod 1999;25:85-88.
  • Margelos J, Eliades G, Verdelis C, Palaghias G. Interaction of calcium hydroxide with zinc oxide-eugenol type sealers: a potential clinical problem. J Endod 1997;23:43-48.
  • Contardo L, De Luca M, Bevilacqua L, Breschi L, Di Lenarda R. Influence of calcium hydroxide debris on the quality of endodontic apical seal. Minerva Stomatol 2007;56:509-517.
  • Kim SK, Kim YO. Influence of calcium hydroxide intracanal medication on apical seal. Int Endod J 2002;35:623-628.
  • Munoz HR, Camacho-Cuadra K. In vivo efficacy of three different endodontic irrigation systems for irrigant delivery to working length of mesial canals of mandibular molars. J Endod 2012;38:445-448.
  • Donnermeyer D, Wyrsch H, Bürklein S, Schäfer E. Removal of Calcium Hydroxide from Artificial Grooves in Straight Root Canals: Sonic Activation Using EDDY Versus Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation and XPendo Finisher. J Endod. 2019;45(3):322-326.
  • Nasab Mobarakeh NM, Taheri A, Rahmanian H, Jafarpour D, Rahmanian S. Effect of Various Irrigating Devices on the Removal of Two Different Forms of Calcium Hydroxide from Internal Resorption Cavities. Int J Dent. 2020;2020:8881177.
  • Urban K, Donnermeyer D, Schäfer E, Bürklein S. Canal cleanliness using different irrigation activation systems: a SEM evaluation. Clin Oral Investig 2017;21:2681-2687.
  • Brown RC, Jackson CR, Skidmore AE. An evaluation of apical leakage of a glass ionomer root canal sealer. J Endod 1994;20:288 –91
  • Barthel CR, Moshonov J, Shuping G, Orstavik D. Bacterial leakage versus dye leakage in obturated root canals. Int Endod J. 1999;32(5):370-375.
  • Haïkel Y, Wittenmeyer W, Bateman G, Bentaleb A, Allemann C. A new method for the quantitative analysis of endodontic microleakage. J Endod. 1999;25(3):172-177.
  • Martell B, Chandler NP. Electrical and dye leakage comparison of three root-end restorative materials. Quintessence Int. 2002;33(1):30-34.
  • Mannocci F, Innocenti M, Bertelli E, Ferrari M. Dye leakage and SEM study of roots obturated with Thermafill and dentin bonding agent. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1999;15(2):60-64.
  • Oruçoğlu H, Sengun A, Yilmaz N. Apical leakage of resin based root canal sealers with a new computerized fluid filtration meter. J Endod 2005;31:886-890.
  • Lambrianidis T, Kosti E, Boutsioukis C, Mazinis M. Removal efficacy of various calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine medicaments from the root canal. Int Endod J 2006;39:55-61.
  • Van Der Sluis LWM, Wu MK, Wesselink PR. The evaluation of removal of calcium hydroxide paste from an artificial standardized groove in the apical root canal using different irrigation methodologies. Int Endod J 2007;40:52-57.
  • Balvedi RP, Versiani MA, Manna FF, Biffi JC. A comparison of two techniques for the removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. Int Endod J. 2010;43(9):763-768.
  • Doganay Yildiz E, Durna Yurtseven F, Hancerliogullari D. Efficacy of various laser-assisted ırrigation activation techniques on calcium hydroxide removal. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni 2021; 31: 556-62.
  • Bayram HM, Saklar F, Bayram E, Orucoglu H, Bozkurt A. Determination of the apical sealing abilities of mineral trioxide aggregate, portland cement, and bioaggregate after irrigation with different solutions.JIntOralHeal 2015;7:1317.
  • Pabel AK, Hülsmann M. Comparison of different techniques for removal of calcium hydroxide from straight root canals: an in vitro study. Odontology 2017;105:453-459.
  • Sokhi RR, Margasahayam SV, Shenoy VU, Bodhwani MA. Effect of calcium hydroxide based intracanal medicaments on the apical sealing ability of resin based sealer and guttapercha obturated root canals. J Clin Diagnostic Res 2017;11:ZC75-ZC79.
  • Conde AJ, Estevez R, Loroño G, Valencia de Pablo, Rossi-Fedele G, Cisneros R. Effect of sonic and ultrasonic activation on organic tissue dissolution from simulated grooves in root canals using sodium hypochlorite and EDTA. Int Endod J 2017;50:976-982.
  • Topçuoğlu HS, Düzgün S, Ceyhanli KT, Akti A, Pala K, Kesim B. Efficacy of different irrigation techniques in the removal of calcium hydroxide from a simulated internal root resorption cavity. Int Endod J 2015;48:309-316.
  • Capar ID, Ozcan E, Arslan H. Effect of different final irrigation methods on the removal of calcium hydroxide from an artificial standardized groove in the apical third of root canals. J Endod 2014;40:451-454.
  • Keskin C, Sariyilmaz E, Sariyilmaz Ö. Efficacy of XP-endo finisher file in removing calcium hydroxide from simulated internal resorption cavity. J Endod 2017;43:126-130.
  • Jiang LM, Verhaagen B, Versluis M, Van Der Sluis LWM. Influence of the oscillation direction of an ultrasonic file on the cleaning efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation. J Endod 2010;36:1372-1376.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Original Research Articles

Gülsüm Kutlu Basmacı 0000-0001-9394-0699

Faruk Haznedaroğlu 0000-0003-1658-2976

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Kutlu Basmacı G, Haznedaroğlu F (01 Ekim 2022) Evaluation of calcium hydroxide removal efficiency of different irrigation techniques by microleakage assessment using Computerized Liquid Filtration method. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal 25 3 252–257.

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