Bilgi Çağı’nın henüz başlangıcında olduğumuz, yaşamakta olduğumuz bu dönemde, mevcut bilgi, toplum ve kültürün geniş çapta değişime uğramasıyla karşı karşıya bulunuyoruz. Bu değişim, tarihin toplum hayatında daha geniş çaplı ve yaratıcı rol oynayabilme potansiyeline sahip olduğu bir döneme de işaret etmektedir. Dijital Çağ diye de adlandırdığımız Bilgi Çağı’nda, tarihin toplumu değiştirici rolünü iyi oynaması ancak, tarih araştırmalarında dijital yöntemlerden faydalanılması, ürünlerinin de dijital ortamlarda sunulması ile mümkün olabilecektir. Bu makale, konuya dikkat çekmek üzere kaleme alınmıştır. Bu kapsamda, Bilgi Çağı’nın altyapısını oluşturan faktörler ve gelişimine özetle değinmenin ardından, dijitalin ve dijital tarihin kapsamlı bir tanımı yapılarak, dijital veri türleri ve dijital tarih çalışmalarının niteliği üzerinde durulacaktır. Dijital tarih araştırmalarının avantajları ve dezavantajlarının tarih, tarihçi ve tarih yazıcılığı bakımından detaylı biçimde tartışılmasının ardından, geleceğe yönelik kapsamlı bir değerlendirme yapılacaktır.
Acun, F. - Acun, R. (1995). Tarihte Bilgisayarlaşma. Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Çaycı'ya Armağan. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi Enstitüsü, s. 1-21.
Acun, R. (2015). Tarihte Bilgisayarlaşma Temel Kavramlar ve Örnek Uygulamalar. Tarih için Metodoloji. Ahmet Şimşek (ed.), Ankara: Pegem Akademi, s. 258-267.
Acun, R. (2017). Tarihi Metinlerden Cevher Çıkarmak: Metin Madenciliği. Avrupa Tarihinde Türk Eli Doç. Dr. Gümeç Karamuk Armağanı. Ankara, s. 27-38.
Aarseth, E. J. (1997). Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Chandler Jr, A. D.- Cortada, J. W. (2000). A Nation Transformed by Information: How Information has Shaped the United States from Colonial Times to the Present. New York: Oxford University Press.
Brake, S. ter- Antske F. – O. Niels – S. Chantal van. (2016), Digital History: Towards New Methodologies. Computational History and Data-Driven Humanities - Second IFIP WG 12.7 International Workshop CHDDH 2016 Dublin, Ireland, May 25. Revised Selected Papers. Springer, s. 23-33. İnternet adresi:
Brennan, C. (2018). Digital Humanities, Digital Methods, Digital History, and Digital Outputs: History Writing and the Digital Revolution. History Compass. Volume 16, Issue 10, s. 2-12.
Brown, R. (2000). Early American Origins of the Information Age. A Nation Transformed by Informatiıon: How Information has Shaped the United States from Colonial Times to the Present, (eds.) Alfred D. Chandler Jr.-James W. Cortada: New York: Oxford University Press, s. 8-38.
Burdick, A, - D., Johanna – L. Peter – P. Todd – S. Jefrey. (2012). A Short Quide to Digiital Humanities. The MIT Press. Internet adresi:
Busapest Open Acces Initiative (Budapeşte Açık Erişim Girişimi). İnternet adresi:
Cantwell, C. D. – R, Hussein. (2015). Religion, Media and the Digital Truth. A Report fort he Religion and the Public Sphere Program, Social Sciences Research Council.
Cohen, D. J – R, Roy (2006). Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press: Internet adresi:
Dallas, C. (2016). Humanities research, Information Resources, and Digital Communication: a View from the Turn of the Century, İnternet adresi: information resources_and_digital_communication_a_view_from_the_turn_of_the_century.
Dougherty, J.- Nawrotzki, K. (2013). Writing History in the Digital Age, University of Michigan Press.
Ethington , Philip J. (2000). Los Angels, American Historical Review, 105:5. İnternet adresi:
Graham, M. (2000). The Treshold of the Information Age: Radio, Television and Motion Pictures Mobilize the Nation. A Nation Transformed by Informatiıon: How Information has Shaped the United States from Colonial Times to the Present, (eds.) Alfred D. Chandler Jr.-James W. Cortada, : New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, s. 137-175.
Gregory, Ian (2014). Challenges and Opportunities for Digital History. Frontiers in Digital Humanities, Volume 1, Number 1, s.1-2. İnternet adresi:
Bloom, H, (2001). How to Read and Why, New York: Scribner.
Himmelfarb, G. (1996). A Neo-Luddite Reflect on the Internet. Chrocnicle of Higher Education. İnternet adresi:
History Channel,
Lessing, L. (2001). The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World. New York Random House.
Secord, J. A. (2014), Visions of Science: Books and Readers at the Dawn of the Victorian Age. Chicago.
Simit, J. A. – C, Denzil. (2014). Reimaging the Humanities in the Twenty-First Century: Towards an Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Digital Humanities in Africa. Alternation. Volume 21, Issue 2 s. 176-206.
Smith, A. (1999). Why Digitize? Washington, D.C. Council on Library and Information Resources, İnternet adresi:
Year 2020,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 66 - 90, 21.06.2020
Acun, F. - Acun, R. (1995). Tarihte Bilgisayarlaşma. Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Çaycı'ya Armağan. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi Enstitüsü, s. 1-21.
Acun, R. (2015). Tarihte Bilgisayarlaşma Temel Kavramlar ve Örnek Uygulamalar. Tarih için Metodoloji. Ahmet Şimşek (ed.), Ankara: Pegem Akademi, s. 258-267.
Acun, R. (2017). Tarihi Metinlerden Cevher Çıkarmak: Metin Madenciliği. Avrupa Tarihinde Türk Eli Doç. Dr. Gümeç Karamuk Armağanı. Ankara, s. 27-38.
Aarseth, E. J. (1997). Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Chandler Jr, A. D.- Cortada, J. W. (2000). A Nation Transformed by Information: How Information has Shaped the United States from Colonial Times to the Present. New York: Oxford University Press.
Brake, S. ter- Antske F. – O. Niels – S. Chantal van. (2016), Digital History: Towards New Methodologies. Computational History and Data-Driven Humanities - Second IFIP WG 12.7 International Workshop CHDDH 2016 Dublin, Ireland, May 25. Revised Selected Papers. Springer, s. 23-33. İnternet adresi:
Brennan, C. (2018). Digital Humanities, Digital Methods, Digital History, and Digital Outputs: History Writing and the Digital Revolution. History Compass. Volume 16, Issue 10, s. 2-12.
Brown, R. (2000). Early American Origins of the Information Age. A Nation Transformed by Informatiıon: How Information has Shaped the United States from Colonial Times to the Present, (eds.) Alfred D. Chandler Jr.-James W. Cortada: New York: Oxford University Press, s. 8-38.
Burdick, A, - D., Johanna – L. Peter – P. Todd – S. Jefrey. (2012). A Short Quide to Digiital Humanities. The MIT Press. Internet adresi:
Busapest Open Acces Initiative (Budapeşte Açık Erişim Girişimi). İnternet adresi:
Cantwell, C. D. – R, Hussein. (2015). Religion, Media and the Digital Truth. A Report fort he Religion and the Public Sphere Program, Social Sciences Research Council.
Cohen, D. J – R, Roy (2006). Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press: Internet adresi:
Dallas, C. (2016). Humanities research, Information Resources, and Digital Communication: a View from the Turn of the Century, İnternet adresi: information resources_and_digital_communication_a_view_from_the_turn_of_the_century.
Dougherty, J.- Nawrotzki, K. (2013). Writing History in the Digital Age, University of Michigan Press.
Ethington , Philip J. (2000). Los Angels, American Historical Review, 105:5. İnternet adresi:
Graham, M. (2000). The Treshold of the Information Age: Radio, Television and Motion Pictures Mobilize the Nation. A Nation Transformed by Informatiıon: How Information has Shaped the United States from Colonial Times to the Present, (eds.) Alfred D. Chandler Jr.-James W. Cortada, : New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, s. 137-175.
Gregory, Ian (2014). Challenges and Opportunities for Digital History. Frontiers in Digital Humanities, Volume 1, Number 1, s.1-2. İnternet adresi:
Bloom, H, (2001). How to Read and Why, New York: Scribner.
Himmelfarb, G. (1996). A Neo-Luddite Reflect on the Internet. Chrocnicle of Higher Education. İnternet adresi:
History Channel,
Lessing, L. (2001). The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World. New York Random House.
Secord, J. A. (2014), Visions of Science: Books and Readers at the Dawn of the Victorian Age. Chicago.
Simit, J. A. – C, Denzil. (2014). Reimaging the Humanities in the Twenty-First Century: Towards an Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Digital Humanities in Africa. Alternation. Volume 21, Issue 2 s. 176-206.
Smith, A. (1999). Why Digitize? Washington, D.C. Council on Library and Information Resources, İnternet adresi:
With the decision of ULAKBİM on February 25th, 2020, there is a condition that "All the disciplines of science (including social sciences), there should be an Ethical Committee Approval for research involving human and animal (clinical and experimental) separately and this approval must be mentioned in the article and it should be documented". The research conducted by quantitative or qualitative approaches which require data collection such as questionnaire, interview, observation, focus group study, the experiment is regarded under the aforementioned content.