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Palyatif Bakım ve Yaşam Kalitesi

Year 2016, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 34 - 39, 30.05.2016


Gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde olduğu gibi ülkemizde de beklenen yaşam süresi

artmıştır. Bununla birlikte tıp alanındaki gelişmeler sonucunda hastalıklara bağlı akut

ölümler azalırken, ciddi kronik hastalığı olan insan nüfusu artmaktadır. Yaşamı tehdit

eden kronik hastalıklar ve beraberindeki komplikasyonlar hasta ve aile bireyleri için ciddi

sıkıntılar oluşturmakta ve yaşam kalitelerini ciddi derecede bozabilmektedir. Palyatif

bakım hasta ve aile bireylerinin hastalığa bağlı çektikleri acıların rahatlatılması ve yaşam

kalitelerin yükseltilmesini amaçlayan bir yaklaşımdır. Bu nedenle palyatif bakım

tüm dünyanın gündeminde olan bir konudur. Bu makalede, palyatif bakım ve yaşam kalitesi

ile ilgili kavramlar ve güncel yaklaşımlar tartışılmıştır.


  • 1. Ahmedzai SH, Costa A, Blengini C, Bosch A, Sanz-Ortiz J, A New International Framework for Palliative Care. European Journal of Cancer 2004; 40: 2192-2200. 2. Taylor GJ, Kurent JE. A Clinician’s Guide to Palliative Care. Oxford, UK, Blackwell Science, 2003. 3. Peykerli, G. Ölümcül Hastalıklara Psikolojik Yaklaşım. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2003; 25(4 Özel ek): 62-65. 4. Saxena S, Orley J. Quality of life assessment: The World Health Organization perspective. Eur Psychiatry 1997; 12:263-266. 5. Eser SY, Fidaner H, Elbi H, Fidaner C, Elbi H, Göker E. Yaşam kalitesinin ölçülmesi, WHOQOL- 100 ve WHOQOLBREF. 3P Dergisi 1999; 7(Ek.2):5-13. 6. Fidaner C. Sağlıkta yaşam kalitesi kavramı. Birinci Sağlıkta Yaşam Kalitesi Sempozyumu Program ve Özet Kitabı, 2004, s.1-3. 7. Carr J A, Gibson B, Robinson P G: Measuring of life is quality of life determined by expectations or experience. BMJ 322: 1240-1243. 8. Malak AT, Dramalı A. Terminal dönem hasta bakımı. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi-Cerrahi Hemşireliği Seksiyonu Panel ve Bildirileri Kitabı, İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi; 2004; s. 271-4. 2. 9. National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother 2006; 20(2): 65-67. 10. Onan Gonce N. Terminal dönemdeki kanser hastalarına bakım veren hemşirelerin karşılaştıkları güçlükler ve başa çıkma yolları. [Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi] İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2001. s. 20-5. 11. Hoch JS. Improving efficiency and value in palliative care with net benefit regression: an introduction to a simple method for cost-effectiveness analysis with person-level data. J Pain Symptom Manage 2009; 38(1): 54-61. 12. Gultekin M, Ozgul N, Olcayto E, Tuncer M. Türkiye’de palyatif bakım hizmetlerinin mevcut durumu. Türk Jinekolojik Onkoloji Dergisi 2010; 1: 1-6. 13. Graham F, Clark D. WHO definition of palliative care. Medicine 2008; 2(36): 64-66. 14. Sucaklı MH. Palyatif Bakım ve Yaşam Kalitesi. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Family Medicine Special Topics 2014; 5(3): 109-113. 15. White Paper on Standards and norms for hospice and palliative care in Europe Part I. Recommendations from the European Association for Palliative Care. Eur J Palliative Care 2009; 16(6): 278-289. 16. Gómez-Batiste X, Paz S, Porta-Sales J, Espinosa J, Trelis J and Esperalba J. Basic Principles, Definitions and Concepts on the Organization of Public Health Palliative Care Programmes and Services. The World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Public Health Palliative Care Programmes, 2009. 17. Aydoğan F, Uygun K. Kanser hastalarında palyatif tedaviler. Klinik Gelişim 2011; 24: 4-9. 18. Lagman R, Walsh D. Integration of palliative medicine into comprehensive cancer care. Semin Oncol 2005; 32: 134-138. 19. Robinson J, Gott M, Ingleton C. Patient and family experiences of palliative care in hospital: what do we know? An integrative review. Palliat Med 2014; 28: 18-33. 20. Kabalak AA, Öztürk H, Çağıl H. Yaşam sonu bakım organizasyonu: Palyatif bakım. Yoğun Bakım Dergisi 2013; 11(2): 56-70. 21. Last Days of Life Health Professional Version PDQ Supportive and Palliative Care Editorial Board. Published online AND February 9,2016. Created : June 8,2007 22. Oh H, Seo Y, Jeong H, Seo W. The identification of multiple symptom clusters and their effects on functional performance in cancer patients. J Clin Nurs 2012; 21(19-20): 2832-2842. 23. Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine. Oxenham D. 2014; 283-292. 24. Practical Management of Pain Fifth Edition 2013; 1023-1039. 25. Fine PG. The evolving and important role of anesthesiology in palliative care. Anesth Analg 2005; 100: 183-188. 26. Caraceni A, Weinstein SM. Classification of cancer pain syndromes. Oncology 2001; 15: 1627-1640. 27. Goldman-Cecil Medicine, Twenty-Fifth Edition Elsevier Inc, 2016. 28. Berenstein EG, Ortiz Z. Megesterol acetate for the treatment of anorexia/cachexia syndrome. Concrane Database Syst Rev 2005; 18(2): CD004310. 29. Palliative Medicine, First Edition, Walsh Declan, Elsevier Inc. 2009. 30. Stone P, Richardson A, Ream E, et al. Cancer-related fatigue: Inevitable, unimportant and untreatable? Results of a multicentre patient survey. Ann Oncol 2000; 11: 971-975. 31. American Thoracic Society : Dyspnea: mechanisms, assessment, and management: a consensus statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999; 159: 321-340. 32. Palliative Medicine First Edition, Walsh Declan, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Dyspnea, Joshua Shadd and Deborah Dudgeon, chapter 159, 877-881. 33. Palliative Care Core Skills and Clinical Competencies Second Edition Linda LE, Lawrence Librach. 2011. Dyspnea, Corinne DS, Deborah JD. Palliative Care Core Skills and Clinical Competencies, chapter 15, 196-212. 38 34. Skilbeck J, Mott L, Page H, et al. Palliative care in chronic obstructive airways disease: a needs assessment. Palliat Med 1998; 12: 245-254. 35. Goldstein NE, Morrison RS. Evidence-Based Practice in Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc, 2013, chapter 69, 402-406. 36. Abernethy AP, McDonald CF, Frith PA, et al. Effect of palliative oxygen versus room air in relief of breathlessness in patients with refractory dyspnoea: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Lancet 2010; 326: 784-793. 37. Currow DC, Ward AM, Abernethy AP. Advances in the pharmacological management of breathlessness. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 2009; 3: 103-106. 38. Simon ST, Higginson IJ, Booth S, et al. Benzodiazepines for the relief of breathlessness in advanced malignant and nonmalignant diseases in adults. Wiley Publishers, 2010. 39. Clemens KE, Klaschik E. Dyspnoea associated with anxietysymptomatic therapy with opioids in combination with lorazepam and its effect on ventilation in palliative care patients. Support Care Cancer 2010; 19: 2027-2033. 40. Andreoli TE, Benjamin IJ, Griggs RC, Wing EJ. Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2010, 1116-1123. 41. Walsh D, Caraceni AT, Fainsinger R et al. Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Firth P. Spiritual Distress, chapter 12, 59-63. 42. Kostak MA, Akan M. Terminal dönemdeki çocuğun palyatif bakımı. Turkish Journal of Oncology 2011; 26(4): 182-192. 43. Dedeli Ö, Karadeniz G. Kanser ağrısının kontrolü ile psikososyal- spiritüel modelin birleştirilmesi. Ağrı Dergisi 2009; 21(2): 45-53. 44. Phelps A.C., Maciejewski P.K., Nilsson M., et al: Religious coping and use of intensive life-prolonging care near death in patients with advanced cancer. JAMA 2009; 301: pp. 1140-1147. 45. Walsh D, Caraceni AT, Fainsinger R et al. Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Puchalski CM. Spiritual Care, chapter 55, 289-293. 46. Emanuel LL, Librach SL. Palliative Care Core Skills and Clinical Competencies, Elsevier Inc. 2011. Goldman R, Home Palliative Care, 611-619. 47. Walsh D, Caraceni AT, Fainsinger R et al. Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Clemens KE, Jaspers B, Cleachik E. The History of Hospice, chapter 4, 18-23. 48. Walsh D, Caraceni AT, Fainsinger R et al. Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Clemens KE, Jaspers B, Cleachik E. The History of Hospice, chapter 4, 18-23. 49. Walsh D, Caraceni AT, Fainsinger R et al. Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Clemens KE, Jaspers B, Cleachik E. The History of Hospice, chapter 4, 18-23. 50. Emanuel LL, Librach SL. Palliative Care Core Skills and Clinical Competencies, Elsevier Inc. 2011. Cintron A, Meier DE. Palliative Care Services and Programs, 633-647.
Year 2016, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 34 - 39, 30.05.2016



  • 1. Ahmedzai SH, Costa A, Blengini C, Bosch A, Sanz-Ortiz J, A New International Framework for Palliative Care. European Journal of Cancer 2004; 40: 2192-2200. 2. Taylor GJ, Kurent JE. A Clinician’s Guide to Palliative Care. Oxford, UK, Blackwell Science, 2003. 3. Peykerli, G. Ölümcül Hastalıklara Psikolojik Yaklaşım. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2003; 25(4 Özel ek): 62-65. 4. Saxena S, Orley J. Quality of life assessment: The World Health Organization perspective. Eur Psychiatry 1997; 12:263-266. 5. Eser SY, Fidaner H, Elbi H, Fidaner C, Elbi H, Göker E. Yaşam kalitesinin ölçülmesi, WHOQOL- 100 ve WHOQOLBREF. 3P Dergisi 1999; 7(Ek.2):5-13. 6. Fidaner C. Sağlıkta yaşam kalitesi kavramı. Birinci Sağlıkta Yaşam Kalitesi Sempozyumu Program ve Özet Kitabı, 2004, s.1-3. 7. Carr J A, Gibson B, Robinson P G: Measuring of life is quality of life determined by expectations or experience. BMJ 322: 1240-1243. 8. Malak AT, Dramalı A. Terminal dönem hasta bakımı. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi-Cerrahi Hemşireliği Seksiyonu Panel ve Bildirileri Kitabı, İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi; 2004; s. 271-4. 2. 9. National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother 2006; 20(2): 65-67. 10. Onan Gonce N. Terminal dönemdeki kanser hastalarına bakım veren hemşirelerin karşılaştıkları güçlükler ve başa çıkma yolları. [Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi] İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2001. s. 20-5. 11. Hoch JS. Improving efficiency and value in palliative care with net benefit regression: an introduction to a simple method for cost-effectiveness analysis with person-level data. J Pain Symptom Manage 2009; 38(1): 54-61. 12. Gultekin M, Ozgul N, Olcayto E, Tuncer M. Türkiye’de palyatif bakım hizmetlerinin mevcut durumu. Türk Jinekolojik Onkoloji Dergisi 2010; 1: 1-6. 13. Graham F, Clark D. WHO definition of palliative care. Medicine 2008; 2(36): 64-66. 14. Sucaklı MH. Palyatif Bakım ve Yaşam Kalitesi. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Family Medicine Special Topics 2014; 5(3): 109-113. 15. White Paper on Standards and norms for hospice and palliative care in Europe Part I. Recommendations from the European Association for Palliative Care. Eur J Palliative Care 2009; 16(6): 278-289. 16. Gómez-Batiste X, Paz S, Porta-Sales J, Espinosa J, Trelis J and Esperalba J. Basic Principles, Definitions and Concepts on the Organization of Public Health Palliative Care Programmes and Services. The World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Public Health Palliative Care Programmes, 2009. 17. Aydoğan F, Uygun K. Kanser hastalarında palyatif tedaviler. Klinik Gelişim 2011; 24: 4-9. 18. Lagman R, Walsh D. Integration of palliative medicine into comprehensive cancer care. Semin Oncol 2005; 32: 134-138. 19. Robinson J, Gott M, Ingleton C. Patient and family experiences of palliative care in hospital: what do we know? An integrative review. Palliat Med 2014; 28: 18-33. 20. Kabalak AA, Öztürk H, Çağıl H. Yaşam sonu bakım organizasyonu: Palyatif bakım. Yoğun Bakım Dergisi 2013; 11(2): 56-70. 21. Last Days of Life Health Professional Version PDQ Supportive and Palliative Care Editorial Board. Published online AND February 9,2016. Created : June 8,2007 22. Oh H, Seo Y, Jeong H, Seo W. The identification of multiple symptom clusters and their effects on functional performance in cancer patients. J Clin Nurs 2012; 21(19-20): 2832-2842. 23. Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine. Oxenham D. 2014; 283-292. 24. Practical Management of Pain Fifth Edition 2013; 1023-1039. 25. Fine PG. The evolving and important role of anesthesiology in palliative care. Anesth Analg 2005; 100: 183-188. 26. Caraceni A, Weinstein SM. Classification of cancer pain syndromes. Oncology 2001; 15: 1627-1640. 27. Goldman-Cecil Medicine, Twenty-Fifth Edition Elsevier Inc, 2016. 28. Berenstein EG, Ortiz Z. Megesterol acetate for the treatment of anorexia/cachexia syndrome. Concrane Database Syst Rev 2005; 18(2): CD004310. 29. Palliative Medicine, First Edition, Walsh Declan, Elsevier Inc. 2009. 30. Stone P, Richardson A, Ream E, et al. Cancer-related fatigue: Inevitable, unimportant and untreatable? Results of a multicentre patient survey. Ann Oncol 2000; 11: 971-975. 31. American Thoracic Society : Dyspnea: mechanisms, assessment, and management: a consensus statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999; 159: 321-340. 32. Palliative Medicine First Edition, Walsh Declan, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Dyspnea, Joshua Shadd and Deborah Dudgeon, chapter 159, 877-881. 33. Palliative Care Core Skills and Clinical Competencies Second Edition Linda LE, Lawrence Librach. 2011. Dyspnea, Corinne DS, Deborah JD. Palliative Care Core Skills and Clinical Competencies, chapter 15, 196-212. 38 34. Skilbeck J, Mott L, Page H, et al. Palliative care in chronic obstructive airways disease: a needs assessment. Palliat Med 1998; 12: 245-254. 35. Goldstein NE, Morrison RS. Evidence-Based Practice in Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc, 2013, chapter 69, 402-406. 36. Abernethy AP, McDonald CF, Frith PA, et al. Effect of palliative oxygen versus room air in relief of breathlessness in patients with refractory dyspnoea: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Lancet 2010; 326: 784-793. 37. Currow DC, Ward AM, Abernethy AP. Advances in the pharmacological management of breathlessness. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 2009; 3: 103-106. 38. Simon ST, Higginson IJ, Booth S, et al. Benzodiazepines for the relief of breathlessness in advanced malignant and nonmalignant diseases in adults. Wiley Publishers, 2010. 39. Clemens KE, Klaschik E. Dyspnoea associated with anxietysymptomatic therapy with opioids in combination with lorazepam and its effect on ventilation in palliative care patients. Support Care Cancer 2010; 19: 2027-2033. 40. Andreoli TE, Benjamin IJ, Griggs RC, Wing EJ. Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2010, 1116-1123. 41. Walsh D, Caraceni AT, Fainsinger R et al. Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Firth P. Spiritual Distress, chapter 12, 59-63. 42. Kostak MA, Akan M. Terminal dönemdeki çocuğun palyatif bakımı. Turkish Journal of Oncology 2011; 26(4): 182-192. 43. Dedeli Ö, Karadeniz G. Kanser ağrısının kontrolü ile psikososyal- spiritüel modelin birleştirilmesi. Ağrı Dergisi 2009; 21(2): 45-53. 44. Phelps A.C., Maciejewski P.K., Nilsson M., et al: Religious coping and use of intensive life-prolonging care near death in patients with advanced cancer. JAMA 2009; 301: pp. 1140-1147. 45. Walsh D, Caraceni AT, Fainsinger R et al. Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Puchalski CM. Spiritual Care, chapter 55, 289-293. 46. Emanuel LL, Librach SL. Palliative Care Core Skills and Clinical Competencies, Elsevier Inc. 2011. Goldman R, Home Palliative Care, 611-619. 47. Walsh D, Caraceni AT, Fainsinger R et al. Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Clemens KE, Jaspers B, Cleachik E. The History of Hospice, chapter 4, 18-23. 48. Walsh D, Caraceni AT, Fainsinger R et al. Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Clemens KE, Jaspers B, Cleachik E. The History of Hospice, chapter 4, 18-23. 49. Walsh D, Caraceni AT, Fainsinger R et al. Palliative Medicine, Elsevier Inc. 2009. Clemens KE, Jaspers B, Cleachik E. The History of Hospice, chapter 4, 18-23. 50. Emanuel LL, Librach SL. Palliative Care Core Skills and Clinical Competencies, Elsevier Inc. 2011. Cintron A, Meier DE. Palliative Care Services and Programs, 633-647.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects ​Internal Diseases
Journal Section makaleler

Mustafa Haki Sucaklı

Yaşar Koşar This is me

Publication Date May 30, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


APA Sucaklı, M. H., & Koşar, Y. (2016). Palyatif Bakım ve Yaşam Kalitesi. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, 8(3), 34-39.
AMA Sucaklı MH, Koşar Y. Palyatif Bakım ve Yaşam Kalitesi. Aile Hekimliği. May 2016;8(3):34-39.
Chicago Sucaklı, Mustafa Haki, and Yaşar Koşar. “Palyatif Bakım Ve Yaşam Kalitesi”. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 8, no. 3 (May 2016): 34-39.
EndNote Sucaklı MH, Koşar Y (May 1, 2016) Palyatif Bakım ve Yaşam Kalitesi. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 8 3 34–39.
IEEE M. H. Sucaklı and Y. Koşar, “Palyatif Bakım ve Yaşam Kalitesi”, Aile Hekimliği, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 34–39, 2016.
ISNAD Sucaklı, Mustafa Haki - Koşar, Yaşar. “Palyatif Bakım Ve Yaşam Kalitesi”. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 8/3 (May 2016), 34-39.
JAMA Sucaklı MH, Koşar Y. Palyatif Bakım ve Yaşam Kalitesi. Aile Hekimliği. 2016;8:34–39.
MLA Sucaklı, Mustafa Haki and Yaşar Koşar. “Palyatif Bakım Ve Yaşam Kalitesi”. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, vol. 8, no. 3, 2016, pp. 34-39.
Vancouver Sucaklı MH, Koşar Y. Palyatif Bakım ve Yaşam Kalitesi. Aile Hekimliği. 2016;8(3):34-9.